nightmare called life

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Currently, she was running through the alleys black as the abyss, her eyes not catching a glimpse of light. Some might wonder if it's a nightmare, it is, it's the nightmare of life. Why was she running? Well because Mikey being the dumb person thought it was best to leave her but forgot how many enemies he has and now they were targetting her.  

"You know I can hear your erratic breathing while running right?", came a deep voice followed by a chuckle. She scoffed, still running as she replied, "bish it's not like I'm running for a game, leave me alone bruh I'm lazy, go study or something for your pea-sized brain". He could only smirk at her reply, she had not changed much huh. Usually, Hanma could catch up with people easily but the said girl was actually a really fast runner, it was like a game of hunting the prey and it was providing him with the necessary excitement in his dull life.

Why was he chasing her you ask? Was it because of Mikey? Well partially, he needed someone he can use to make Mikey do what he wanted, and well, he was bored as well so he surprised the poor black-head girl while she was coming back from the convenience store. Now here they were running through the alleys, one trying to shake him off her tail and the other feeling the rush of hunting.

She cursed under her breath as her head started pounding, although she was a fast runner, she had next to no stamina because she never practices due to her lazy nature. "When I see Mikey again I'm punching that bish", she mumbled as she tripped over nothing. Yes, she missed him, that doesn't mean this all is not irritating her.

"You know what, I'm not standing anymore- just take me, I'm not walking you'll have to carry me bruh", she said still sprawled on the path, looking straight up at  Hanma who had finally caught up to her.


During all this, Mikey was sitting at his home recalling all his memories with nostalgia and a tiny sadness. It is said that sometimes sadness can also cause physical pain and here he was, his whole body aching, his heartfelt heavy and he had a massive headache. He got a phone call, too tired to pick up, he just ignored it as he continued to look out of the window.

When his phone rang again, he picked it up to check who it was he answered the call, "Who is it?!", he snapped. "Is that how you treat someone who has your precious little frost?", Came the voice from the other side of the phone. Those words were enough to make his time stop.

His breath hitched, thinking of all the worst-case scenarios as he looked at Draken who was looking at him confused on why he was making such a scared expression.

The epitome of a decision whether good or bad is decided later rather than when you take it, that moment you either burst with delight over the decision past you took or you give up over everything questioning your life. That was what Mikey was doing right now.

He had forgotten about the phone in his hand that is when he heard a familiar voice he had grown to love hearing like a melody to his ears. At this moment though, you could hear the pain in it, from the voice crack and dryness as it asked aloud, "where tf am I?".

What should we do now? Should I make her slap someone or something? 💀
Anyways, how are y'all?

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