A Month Later *edited*

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Chapter 6

Emma's POV 2014 

The past month has been crazy.

Michael went on tour.

I started a new movie.

We still have not came out and said that we are dating yet.

I have a radio interview today and I am still laying in bed.

My assistant came in and woke me up and told me to get out of bed and be ready in 10 minutes.

I am currently in the car on the way wearing my leggings and a sweatshirt.

20 minutes later I was sitting in a spinning chair waiting for 7 o'clock to roll around.

"Hello! Good Morning! This morning I am joined with Emma Olson! How are you Emma?"

"HI, I am tired as heck this morning. No energy what so ever."

"It probably does not help that with the new movie you started I'm sure you have long set hours. How is that going?"

"Good, I started last week. We are still in the figuring out what we are doing on set and what the feel of the movie is all about. And the hours are crazy from like two in the morning to ten that night."

"We saw in the news that you have kind of shut yourself off from social networks. Why is that?"

"The past couple of months everyone was focused on one thing and it was if I was dating Michael Clifford and it seems like that was like the main thing everyone wanted to know. It didn't matter if I was doing something amazing and great, but at the end of the day everyone always had one question and it was if we were dating."

"So your not?"

I sat there for a bit. Thought about what I was about to say.

"No we are."

"You and Michael Clifford are dating?"

"Yes, we have been for about 2 months."

"So why all the secrets and what you just said?"

"Because it was all a point. Everyone wants to know everything about my life. Our lives, and I can't stand that. It was all anyone talked about and I couldn't stand it."

"So now that you are talking about it, how is it?"

"It's amazing. I'm dating the guy of my dreams. He's lovely, kind, sweet. Just the other day I had a long day on set and was tired but at the same time I just couldn't sleep and I had all of this stress and Michael had a day off and he decided he was going to fly from Canada and spend the night with me."

"I feel like he is a sweetheart, he doesn't show, well he does but you can tell when he loves someone."

"That's true he doesn't seem like the type of boyfriend that will fly from Canada and spend the night only to fly back the next morning."

"How do the boys like the whole thing."

"They like it. It's not like they hate me. We have been friends for almost half a year and they are like my brothers, so this really isn't really a big omg thing for them."

"It must have been a surprise to them when you did tell them?"

"I think the biggest thing was that they couldn't believe that we were dating, because they were telling us for months that we should be dating and I think they thought we were joking."

"So you are starting a new movie, you have a new boyfriend, what else are you doing?"

"I'm buying a house."

"You are?"

"I am yeah, its here in LA, I'm not gonna tell you where but it's near LA. Close enough to all the big important stuff."

"I guess you kinda had to buy a place."

"Yeah I'm 18 now, I moved out of my parents house when I was 16 and I was just kinda renting places and now I'm actually going to buy a house and call it mine officially. Like when I was living in my apartment I would say the apartment and other people would call it my apartment and I never called it mine, I lived there for a year with my manager and then he bought a house so then I moved in with him, half the time I was on tour modeling or making movies so it made no sense to buy or rent something since I was on the move for half a year."

"So what made you decided now?"

"It was time, I felt old enough and with the new movie based here I thought why not."

"Now is Michael gonna be helping you move in?"

"Well right now he's in New York, and I started moving in last week, so he saw it. I'm mostly having my friends help me. I'm sure if he and they boys were here they would help me."

"They rent a house here too didn't they?"

"Yeah my house is a couple of miles away. I actually wanted to buy that house but the owner said that they boys had it booked for the next few times they will be in LA so I got the closest one that was for sale."

 "Do you think they are just going to stay at your house?"

"Probably. I didn't think about that."

"Well thank you Miss Emma, extra special for waking up this early to do this. Say Hi to Michael for me and I hope you enjoy that new house of yours."

"Thank you for having me."

Once the 'On Air' light went off I stood up and walked out of the little studio and found Amy, who is my assistant,  and we walked down hallways, opened doors, and it felt like we went thought the whole building before we made it to where the car was.

I got in and waited for Amy and my bodyguard .

"Do you want to stop and get something?"

"No, Michael is at the house and he's brought food." I said while texting Michael that I was on the way.

"You said he was in New York."

"He is suppose to be, but he flew in last night. He has today off."

"You little shits." She said while telling the bodyguard to just drive home.

While the 20 minute drive took place, I was texting Michael and checking Twitter.

When I got home I ran inside to find Michael unpacking the bathroom stuff.

Boyfriend Award goes to!

"Hi." He said while kissing me. 

"Or is it Hey?" I questioned him.

"Shut up." He said while walking past me down stairs into the basement where Luke, Ashton and Calum were unpacking.

"What are you all doing here!" I said while running to each of them and hugging them.

"If Michael was going to come and see you then we all were." Calum said while hugging me hard.

"I'm so glad. Do you guys like the house? There is enough rooms for all of you when it's fully done. I made sure of it when I was looking for a house. I told the guy I need 6 bedrooms for my friends and this one came with 7 so." I said while sitting on Ashton who had just sat down on my couch.  

"Well of course." He said while putting a arm around me.As soon as Luke finished up with the TV, we sat there are watched movies. Ashton borrowed my car and him and Calum went to go get food. Luke then took the chance to shower and that left Michael and I in my basement. We just looked at each other from across the room. 

"I haven't looked at my phone all day." 

"I haven't either."

"I love you" He said to me.

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