Chapter 10 *edited*

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Michael's POV 2014

So lets just say I woke up with a hangover. Em was no where to be found. I got up, took a shower, got dressed and she still wasn't here.

It was my day off so I really didn't know what I was gonna do today.

I decided after about 20 minutes of waiting for her I called the other boys and of course none of them answered so I called her manager Cody.


"Hey, do you know where Em is?"

"Yes, she is downstairs with the other boys working out." She said.

"Okay thank you." I said and hung up. I grabbed my key to the room and walked out into the hallway.
I stepped into the elevator and there was 3 girls in there along with one of their mothers.

"Hi." One of them said.

I looked over and smiled. "Hello."

"Could we get a photo?" 

"Why not." I said while putting my arms around two of them and the mother took the photo.

"Thank you so much." 

"You're welcome." I smiled and walked out.

 I didn't know where the workout room was so I walked up to the front desk and asked the man where it was. He pointed me into the direction and off I went.

As I got closer I could hear their music and our personal trainer yelling at them. I pulled on the door and of course it was locked. I knocked a few times, then I banged and finally the sweatiest off all opened the door for me.

"Hey Michael." Ashton said while drinking some water.

"Hi." I said while walking straight over to Emma and giving her a kiss on the lips.

"Where is mine?" Luke asked while making kissing noises.

"Luke the only time I'll ever kiss you is if you're dying, or I'm kissing your ass."

"Michael you gonna work out with us?" JJ asked me.

"No, I already showered, I was just looking for my girlfriend." I told him while sitting down on the bench press.

"All right, what are we at? Calum!" 


"How many?"



And with that all 4 of them went into the push-up position and started doing their 45 push-ups.
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked at Twitter for a bit. I took a photo of them all and shared it to Twitter.

"Watching my band and girlfriend workout while I sit here on my phone #lazylifeforme"

"Michael tomorrow I want you up at 6 and down here ready to go." JJ said while sitting next to me.

"6 in the morning! JJ you have got to be kidding me."

"You missed today's workout."

"Nobody told me there was one today, I thought when we had days off we had days off for this too?"

"You're performing 4 shows here in London and it's in two days I'm not gonna let you all slack."

"Come on Michael if you finish off this workout with us I'm sure Em will let you shower with her." Ashton said while sitting next to me.

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