Mornings *Edited*

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Chapter 1

Michaels POV 2014

"Michael!!" Luke shouted up the stairs in their house in LA house.

"What?!?" I shouted back.

"Hurry up we need to get to the interview!"

"Alright!" I shouted from my room in the house we are staying at in LA. Today we had an interview with Dylan Ryan. Should be good. He's a radio DJ and does all the interviews in the LA area when famous people come into the crazy town.

I had just gotten out of the shower and was about to put on my shirt when Luke called for me. I grabbed my phone and went down stairs to find Ashton waiting for me.

"Ready?" He asked me while looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, let's get going." I said while walking out to the car and getting in the backseat next to Luke.

"I'm kinda scared for this." Calum said from the front.

"I know what you mean. It feels like I'm gonna puke, and even more scared like if I say the wrong thing." Ashton said from on the other side of Luke.

After that little convo we all just started looking at our phones while listening to Dylan's radio show in the morning.

Once we finally got there, there were fans outside the building waiting for us. It was crazy! After we signed some things and took photos with some of the fans we headed inside for our interview. We waited outside the door until Dylan waved us in. We all sat down in front of the mic and we waited for our interview to start. While we were messing around Dylan was trying not to start laughing at us.

"You know them as the boys who are opening up for One Direction. Here's Calum, Michael, Ashton and Luke! It's 5 Seconds of Summer!!" Dylan said while pointing at us.

"Hello!" We all said into the mics.

"How are you guys this morning?"

"Good yeah."

"And you guys are about to start the American leg of the tour with One Direction?"

"Yes ever excited about that."


"Alright, now we got a bunch of questions from fans on Twitter and I want to say I know a lot of the answers but I'm still going to ask them."


"You guys are all single correct?"

"Yes single pringles." Calum said into this mic.

"Well actually this one time we were with Niall and his friend and Michael really hit it off!" Luke said while tapping my shoulder.

"Oh who was this?"

Before I could stop any of their loud mouths they said it "Emma Olson!"

"Is she the girl that is really big right now?"

"She's friends with Niall and Zayn's fiancée Perrie so we do see her a bit especially if we are with Niall." Calum said.

"So Michael are you dating anybody?"

"No. We exchanged numbers and we do text each other once and awhile-" I soon got cut off by one of my band mates.

"Lie!! That's a lie!!! You were texting her on the way here!" Luke shouted at me.

"Okay, we were texting earlier but we are not dating. Friends that's all we are."

"I heard she is in LA right now." Dylan said while raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah that's what we were texting about." I said to him while shaking my head.

"Are you going to see her?"

"Probably not."

"Lies." Calum said while smiling at me.

"No. I'm done with you all!"

"Alright, what about the rest of you?"

"We are all single except for Michael."

"I'm not dating her!" I said while yelling at the boys.

"Well Michael if you were, what would you rank her? Like 1-10?"

I was silent for a bit and looked at Dylan. "She's gonna hear about this."

"So she wouldn't care. It would probably get you a date if your answer is correct." Dylan said to me.

"Ten." I said while laughing and turning red.

"Ooo look how red he is!!" Luke said.

"Well Michael you said she was a ten and she is probably dying to talk right now! Hi Emma!" Dylan said while pointing at me.

"Hiii!" Yup that's totally her voice. As soon as I heard it I backed away from the mic and took off the headphones while shaking my head and grinning ear to ear.

"Hi Emma!!" The boys said while looking over at me.

"Hi boys!"

"Emma are you in LA?" Calum asked.

"I am. I got in last night."

"Do you wanna go to dinner tonight?" Ashton asked while looking at me and smirking.

"Sure. Should I met you at the house?"

"We will have Michael text you. Michael say hi!" Luke said while pushing me to the mic.

"Hi Emma." I said into the mic very quite while everyone else laughed.

"Hi Michael." She said back while laughing along.

"Now Emma is it true you and Michael are dating?

"No, we are just friends."

"Ha! I told all of you and none of you believed me!"

"Emma do you guys keep in touch when you are not together?"

"We do text each other." Emma laughed. "Dylan is this some type of twenty question game? Are you trying to get listeners?"

"My listeners just want to know. Do you guys ever met up when you are in the same town? Like secretly" I swear he is trying to get us to say that we are more than friends, which we aren't!

"When we are in London at the same time we do meet up and have drinks in a public area."

"Alright, I'm going to leave it at that because Michael looks like he wants to kill me. . We gotta get going so lovely to talk to you Emma."

"You too Dylan."

"I'll probably see photos of you and Michael tonight?"

"Good-bye Dylan." Emma said and I swear I could hear the laugh in her voice.

"Bye Emma it was lovely to talk with you."

"Byyeee Emma!!" the boys shouted.

"Michael say bye to Emma."

"Bye Emma."

"Bye." She said while laughing and soon we couldn't hear her laughing anymore.


Ugh its the second chapter and I make myself cringe.

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