Chapter 13

437 13 4

Hey guys! 

I really suck at having an updating schedule.

Btw TW implied smut

Anyways enjoy

--------Luke's POV--------

I grabbed Reggie's hand and poofed us to the hospital. We looked to each other and made ourselves invisible to the not-ghost eye. We walked into the hospital unnoticed and turned towards the reception desk. I poofed behind the man at the desk and threw a pen to distract him. 

Reg came over and looked up "Julie Molina" in the patient system. She was in room 223, we grabbed Alex and Willie who had followed us and poofed us all outside her room. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I looked down at Julie, she was lying in a bed, attached to tubes and wires. Flynn was sitting beside her holding back tears. Reggie let go of my hand and walked over to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he made himself visible which Alex, Willie and I then copied. Flynn turned to look at him and smile slightly but it quickly turned into a frown again.

We heard the door open and turned to see Ray walk in. He looked startled but spoke anyway, "They don't know if she'll wake up" he said breaking the silence, Flynn started crying into her arms and Reg hugged her.

"What happened?" Alex asked quietly.

"It wasn't h-her f-fault. S-some guy hit us f-from behind and h-her head slammed into the w-wheel" Flynn answered shakily between sobs.


-_-_-_-_TiMe SkIp-_-_-_-_

It was a couple days after the accident and Julie was pretty much the same. Flynn had put her hands up to protect herself and fractured her arm slightly so she was fine (physically speaking). I was cuddling with Reggie on an uncomfortable hospital couch when we heard a slight cough coming from Julie. 

Flynn called a doctor but she wasn't waking up or moving so they left it as a random cough

-_-_-_-_TiMe SkIp-_-_-_-_ (a couple hours later)

I sat on the couch in the garage cuddled up with Reggie.


"Yeah Reg?"

"I love you"

"I love you too."

"Do you think Julie's gonna wake up soon?"

"I hope so, we can't play without our lead singer" I joked

"Luke, I'm serious"

"Honey I'm 100% sure she'll be fine"

"I hope you're right" He says closing his eyes.

"Yeah I hope so too"

--------Alex's POV--------

Willie and I listened into Luke and Reggie's conversation from my mattress in the loft. "I know I only met her once but she seemed nice" Willie whispered to me. "Yeah she's awesome" I whispered back. He pulled me closer too him and smiled. I leant up slightly and kissed him, he didn't hesitate in kissing back but pulled away after a couple seconds.

"We should go to sleep" Willie said pulling the sheet up slightly. I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt a hand running through my hair and the other rested on my chest. I smiled and fell asleep knowing I was safe.

--------Carlos' POV--------

No one would tell me anything and it was getting annoying.

I had only seen Julie a couple times and when I saw her the first time I asked when she was going to wake up and no one answered me. The today I asked tía if Julie was ok and she said "She's fine" as if that wasn't a lie and then proceeded to tell me "go to sleep" ... it was 7pm. Everyone at school knows now and they all-especially the teachers-look at me like we're at my wife's funeral or something.

It's a nightmare.

When I ask a question it's either ignored or someone changes the topic. I don't need to be babied, I just want to know the truth. 

Is my sister ok?

-_-_-_-_TiMe SkIp-_-_-_-_ (two weeks after the accident)

--------Luke's POV--------

I stared at the blank page of my song journal in front of me. I picked up the pen and started scribbling down lyrics. Reg looked over my shoulder, quietly soaking up the lyrics. He started humming a melody and picked up his bass. I listened as he played a bass line. I grabbed my guitar and started playing chords over the top of Reggie's guitar.

He smirked at me a placed his guitar down. He took mine and put it back on the stand. I stood frozen until I figured out what he was doing. Reggie loped his arms around my neck and kissed me. He pushed me back until my legs hit the couch so I fell over and straddled my hips.

(Use your imagination ppl :)

--------Flynn's POV--------

I was beginning to lose hope.

I guess that's what happens when the person you love has been in a coma for 2 months. I didn't wanna go to school again tomorrow, all the looks of pity get to you eventually. The boys (including Willie) started going to school with me and they're kind of famous (excluding Willie). They're really the only thing that gets me through the day.

I looked at Julie, she looked so peaceful. I was slightly smiling but then the voice in my head came back 

'What if she doesn't wake up?

"shut up yes she will"

'It should be you in that bed'

'She is going to die'

"Shut up!" I nearly yell to myself.

"That's not very nice, I didn't even say anything"

Word count- 888

Hope you enjoyed that. I wrote it in one go at 10pm so apologies if it's not the best.

Until next time Sweeties

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