Chapter 6

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Thank you!!! 

I feel weird if I don't put an Authors Note at the start of each chapter.

Be ready for some 🚨drama🚨

--------Alex's POV--------

Sooooo Reggie and Luke both left and I went to find Julie. "Hey, you uh... got a sec?" I asked. She just sighed. I sat on the arm of the sofa.

"Julie please"

"I already told you I'm done with the band"

"I know but before you decide that forever, I just... I wanted you to know Luke isn't as selfish as you think. You've got him all wrong. Remember that song 'Emily'? Can I at least show you who that's actually about?"

-_-_-_-_TiMe SkIp-_-_-_-_

Julie and I looked through the window to see Reggie with his arm around Luke and Luke with his head on Reggie's shoulder. Julie cleared her throat "So Emily's his mum?"

"Yeah" I said "Luke comes here a lot. He thought Reg and I don't know but... we've been following him. All he does is just hang out like this and watch them but normally without Reggie. They never really do anything though" The Pattersons placed a cake on the table. 

"They're eating cake, that's something"

"It's a birthday cake for Luke"

"I never knew Luke was hurting this much"

'Yeah. It's even worse because when he died he left on bad terms. His parents didn't want their 17-year old in a rock band so" We watched Luke and Reggie get down off the counter and walk over to the table "He just left. He never got the chance to make up with them"

--------Julie's POV--------

Luke blew out his candle and sat down at the table. Reggie put his hand on Luke's shoulder and kissed the top of his head. I looked over at Alex and he said "purely platonic. Anyways, that's why Luke was so angry. If Trevor had given Luke credit for writing all the songs then... his parents would've known his dream was worth chasing"

"They would've been so proud."

"We know how bad it hurts when someone who should've had your back completely lets you down. We never meant to make you feel that way. Julie I love our band and they do too" I said gesturing towards Luke and Reggie "Please give us another chance"

I nodded

I felt a tear slip down my face. We watched Luke's parents blow out the candle and looked up and Reggie who smiled at him but then something really unexpected happened

Reggie kissed Luke

On. The. Lips

I looked at Alex eyebrows raised. "Um... Yesh well maybe not so platonic" He smiled awkwardly. I just turned around and ran back to the studio.

--------Reggie's POV--------

"Do you wanna go back now or..? I asked him. He smiled at me weakly "Can I have some time alone bub?" 

"Ok babe" I kissed him then poofed into the studio. Julie was sitting behind the piano looking at me weirdly, I turned to Alex and said "She knows" accusingly. "Yeah" He sighed.

"How'd she find out"

"Well.. I kinda took her to Luke's parent's house and she saw you kiss him? But she rejoined the band!"

I laughed and turned to Julie "You're ok with it right?"

"Yup. It's cool I just kinda wish you told me sooner"

I grabbed my guitar and we started playing "The edge of Great"

This is soooo short but I have five minutes to publish this before the wifi goes out again.

Word count- 560

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