Chapter 5

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Hehehehehe :)

--------Alex's POV--------

I woke up and went outside just too see Luke kiss Reggie. "What the fuck" I yelled, they sprung apart. "Alex we can explain" Luke said quietly so he wouldn't scare Reggie but at that moment I didn't care. "Did you guys really feel the need to hide your relationship from me?! The one person you knew would be ok with it? The fuck guys?! I thought no secrets!" I screamed not noticing Reggie crying into Luke's shoulder until the last sentence, I wished I could take it back. I just said "Reg-" but Luke stepped in-front of Reggie protectively and whispered "Leave Alex. Until you get your head straight" cutting me off.

So I went to find Willie

--------Luke's POV-------

After Alex left I turned around and hugged Reggie. He started sobbing into my shirt, "It's ok. He didn't mean it. He was wrong, we didn't have a chance to tell him. It's not your fault" I whispered kissing the top of his head. Reggie tilted his head up a little to look at me "You're right but-", I kissed him roughly to stop him from finishing his sentence.

"But nothing" I said. He laughed and I wiped the tears off his cheeks.

-_-_-_-_TiMe SkIp-_-_-_-_

Alex came back after awhile and apologised he also promised to take us to see Willie so we could haunt Bobby.

(The next day cause I can't be bothered to write :) and I'm fukn lazyyyyy)

I put our band on the list to play tonight, hopefully we can get Julie to rejoin."Boys" I said grabbing Reggie by the shoulders and sitting down "being a ghost definitely has it's privileges. I just wrote our names on the playlist for tonight". "I'm getting a little worried about him" Alex whispered "He keeps forgetting Julie quit the band".

"She's gonna come back as soon as she knows we have a great gig."

"But if she doesn't come back, let's not forget, we do have somewhere else we can play and eat pizza"

"Dude I know it was awesome to be seen by lifers at Caleb's party but...but we got this with Julie. We don't need him"

Then another jolt hit and I grabbed Reggie's hand just to make sure he wasn't gone.

"It's the same thing again"

"Just like yesterday"

"It feels like that time I was fixing my amp in the rain" I looked at him with a disapproving look on my face luckily Alex spoke up before I could "You shouldn'.... shouldn't do that. Ok look do you think something's wrong with us?"

"Yeah. Yeah we ate ten pounds of pizza yesterday without a stomach. I'm sure it's just our body's working through it"

"So we're just gonna forget about getting back at Trevor?" I squeezed his hand "That jerk stole our music"

"And he has to live with guilt. It's just like Julie said. We have a new band, a new sound, ok? That's what we should be focusing on"

"Isn't that Willie?" We all turned around to look out the window just to see Willie skating away. Alex ran outside.

"Looks like someone isn't focusing on our music" Reggie said getting up, I laughed 'He's adorable'

-_-_-_-_TiMe SkIp-_-_-_-_

Julie still doesn't know Luke and Reggie are dating ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hehehe

"All we gotta do is blow them all away and we're living the dream"

"So this means a lot to you huh? Kinda like how playing in front of my whole entire school eant a lot to me."

"Sounds like sarcasm" Reggie whispered "I'm starting to thing our plan isn't working"

"Look we know we messed up"

"But we need you in the band"

"Of course you do because without me, no one can see you guys playing. You know I thought that the music we were writing was special, but you're too obsessed with your past to even care."

"I do care. Our band has a real chance at greatness. I'm not gonna let that get away from us again"

"Uh huh. Right. So then why did you bail on me to get back at Trevor? I'll tell you why. Cause there's only one thing that you care about and that's yourself" She stormed off.

"Dude she didn't mean it"

I poofed away

--------Reggie's POV--------

"Where's he going?" I asked Alex staring sadly at where Luke had just vanished from. "Where do you think?" Alex said turning to look at me.


I ran over to the couch where Luke's beanies were. I put the black one on and picked up the orange hat before poofing out of the garage. I ended up behind Luke, he was sitting on the bench. I tapped him on the shoulder causing him to flinch but when he saw it was just me he pulled me into a really tight hug.

I kissed his forehead and whispered "Happy Birthday Luke". "Thanks Reg" He whispered back scooting over so I could sit on the counter-top next to him. I placed his orange beanie on his head and put my arm around his shoulders. He leaned his head on my shoulder, I begun singing Unsaid Emily.

--------Luke's POV--------

I poofed out of the garage to my parents house, sitting on the counter. Not even five minuets later someone tapped me on the shoulder scaring me. I turned around to see it was just Reggie, wearing my beanie. I hugged him probably too tight but he didn't seem to care. He pulled away to kiss my forehead and say "Happy Birthday Luke"

"Thanks Reg"

I scooted over and he sat next to me. He put the orange beanie on my head and put his arm around my shoulders. I put my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. He started singing Unsaid Emily which made me cry heavier somehow.

If I could take us back

If I could just do that

And write in every empty space

The words I love you in replace

Then maybe time would not erase me

If you could only know

I never let you go

And the words I most regret

Are the ones I never meant to leave

Unsaid Emily

That's it for this chapter :) I hoped u liked it 

Word count= 1000

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