Nesting grounds and the attack

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quick note: the dinosaurs will be using their Jurassic park designs 

A female Edmontosaurus nudged one of eggs from the center of the rim and she looked at it happily. The female then looked to the tree line to see some birds fly out of the top of the forest. Some nearby Brachiosaurus wandered around peacefully while some Corythosaurus drank from the water. Two Stegosaurus swung their tails at each other fighting for mating rights. A young Parasaurolophus then pushed the egg into the center of the nest. The female Edmontosaurus moved the egg back and then shooed the young parasaur away and it ran off . The young hadrosaur then chased after a gliding lizard as it glided into the nearby forest. The young Parasaurolophus looked at the lizard but then noticed something dripping off a leaf, the baby then ran out of the forest bellowing. This drew the attention of every herbivore in the area. A Pachyrhinosaurus took step back from the water as a fully grown tyrannosaurus burst from the bushes roaring. 

The young Parasaurolophus ran for it's life as the Tyrannosaurus charged towards the herbivores. The herbivores stampeded away from the large Tyrannosaur but the female Edmontosaurus stood her ground but then fled as the Tyrannosaurus closed in. A much slower fully grown Parasaurolophus wasn't so lucky and the Tyrannosaurus stepped on the nest but the egg the mother Edmontosaurus moved was the only survivor. The Rex closed the gap between it and the Parasaurolophus and then clamped it's jaws on the hadrosaur's neck and snapped it, the Parasaurolophus then collapsed to the ground dead. The tyrannosaurus roared in victory over the dead body of the Parasaurolophus and then began to eat the corpse. While the tyrannosaurus was busy eating the dead hadrosaur an Oviraptor snatched up the egg.

The raptor like dinosaur ran into the jungle and across a shallow stream to a cliff that overlooked a river were it then tried to crack open the egg. However another Oviraptor came and snatched it up. The two fought over the egg until it fell into the river. The two Oviraptors then started to fight as the egg drifted down stream. 

The egg continued to drift down river between two Ankylosaurus which were bellowing at each other. The egg soon was tossed over a waterfall and landed into the river again, were it drifted past a herd of Albertaceratops and Centrosaurus which were drinking. The egg was then snatched up by a Pteranodon as it flew overhead.

the Pteranodon then flew over the heads of a herd of Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and Sinoceratops. It then flew over the ocean to it's nest but it dropped the egg on accident and it landed in the jungle below. 

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