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Brooklynn walked through the desert and she noticed something. "Woah what was that?" Brooklynn asked as a tail of a creature disappeared behind a rock.

"What was what?" Kenji asked looking around and Brooklynn walked in the direction the tail disappeared. Kenji soon then noticed multiple tall rock formations surrounded them, he then noticed a Velociraptor on a hill cleaning it's face.

"What is that?" Kosei asked the Velociraptor looked up at them and then more showed up. Brooklynn backed up against a rock that was until a Velociraptor jumped onto the rock and screeched at them. Brooklynn gasped and then started to run from the Velociraptors as they chased after the school bus sized Hadrosaur. One Velociraptor jumped onto Brooklynn's thigh and clamped it's jaws onto her leg, Brooklynn roared in but the Raptor jumped off and the others of it's pack skidded to a halt.

"Brooklynn their stopping!" Alya called out however they were soon in a sand storm. Brooklynn was then knocked onto her side by a dinosaur.

"Stay out my way!" The Muttaburrosaurus exclaimed looking down as he walked by.

"You heard kron move it!" Another Muttaburrosaurus exclaimed as he also walked by. Brooklynn stood up and she walked through the herd. Brooklynn noticed that there was others like her. Brooklynn looked at a Corythosaurus as it walked past her and then at a Parasaurolophus. Brooklynn then noticed a large Shantungosaurus which nearly bowled her over with it's body alone. Brooklynn watched as multiple other hadrosaurs walked past her.

"Woah." Brooklynn said looking down at the young hadrosaurs that passed under her but when she raised her head she bumped into a female Iguanadon.

"Watch it!" She exclaimed and Brooklynn watched as she disappeared into the sand storm. However Brooklynn was bowled over by a Pachyrhinosaurus.

"Sorry!" It exclaimed as it walked past her. Brooklynn kept her head low as a few Triceratops, Albertaceratops, Centrosaurus, Sinoceratops, Chasmosaurus, and other ceratopsians and Pachycephalosaurs walked past her. Brooklynn then heard a loud bellow and she looked up to see a massive Mamenchisaurus walking in front of her. Brooklynn stayed motionless as the titanic sauropod lumbered over her, a few Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus followed suite.

"Walking backwards to the nest site, well let me know if that gets you there any faster." An Ankylosaurus said walking past Brooklynn. "Come on Bumpy we have to keep pace with the others." The same Ankylosaurus said to another Ankylosaurus and they walked past Brooklynn. Brooklynn then looked at the herd as it continued on.

"Look at all those Brooklynn's." Cleo said looking at the herd and that's when Brooklynn heard the raptors and she ran down into the herd for protection.

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