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| dream | oct. 22nd

come back
i miss you

it's been so long
since i last
saw you
i just want
to hold you again
and tell you
how much
i love you

i don't know how much longer
i can hold up
without you

you came into my life
and brought me so much happiness
so much joy
you lit me up
you warmed
my stone cold heart

but it's getting cold again
it hurts
my heart

it's getting hard
to breath
it getting hard
to live

the candle you lit
with your very hands
is melting
the wax is melting
and burning up
along with the flame

i'm never warm anymore
i cant feel warmth
i only feel cold
like it's an eternal winter
that i cant escape
my warmth left me
and hasn't returned

that's you.

and i cant feel warm anymore

without you,
by my side.

i just want you back
that's it
that's all
they said you're dead
but that's just not true
i swear
i saw your figure
walking amongst
the fallen trees
in my backyard

you're not dead,
are you?

you can't be
i know it
i saw you,

just come back
i won't yell
i won't get mad
i won't argue
just come back

what're you so afraid of?
why won't you come home?
is it me,
your so scared of?
is it because i lashed out on you,
is that why you're afraid?

i didn't mean it
i swear

my dad yelled at me
the day you left
he beat me,
again george

he said i couldn't be with you
said if i didn't let you go,
i'd be wishing i didn't tell him no

i still have scars
from that day

not only physically,
but mentally,
i'm scarred.

because you left
and you haven't returned

i didn't mean to yell at you
i didn't mean to call you names
this is the worst way you could've left

without even a goodbye
you didn't even wave
didn't even shout
didn't even cry
you didn't say a word
you just left without a trace

it's as if
you were never here
it's as if
you were never real

and now i'm questioning
my existence
because what am i
without you?

oh george,
please just come back.

i miss you
so much
i'm hurting
so much
i love you
so much

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