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tw: death
october 13, 2021

"I can't do it Harry," Diana cried out, sweat covering her entire forehead while gripping onto Harry's hand tightly.

Diana felt like her whole body was being ripped apart. Giving birth was one of the worst things she's ever experienced in her 23 years of living on earth.

"Mrs. Styles I need you to push," Doctor Cooper said, trying to help Diana. "You're so close I can see her head."

"Come on baby you're so close," Harry whispered into her ear. "Just a few more pushes and we'll be able to meet our baby girl."

A few more pushes, Diana thought. She was almost done with the pain she had to endure. A few more pushes and she would finally get to meet the baby that had been growing in her stomach for the past nine months.

Harry and Diana were ecstatic when they saw the positive pregnancy test. Diana still remembers that day like it was yesterday.

"Oh my god," Diana breathed out.

"What is it? Is it a yes or no?" Harry asked impatiently. He had been wanting a baby for the longest time and now he might have had the chance to be an amazing dad to his child.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered.

"What?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Harry, I'm pregnant!" Diana screamed before Harry picked her up and started spinning her in circles before putting her down and pressing his lips against hers. Harry couldn't believe it. Diana was pregnant. The love of his life was pregnant with his child and they were both finally going to get the chance to raise a child together.

"Harry it hurts so badly," Diana said through her tears. Harry was about to respond when the heart monitor started beeping loudly causing panic to arise in everyone.

"Mrs. Styles if you don't push now there will be problems that will be hard to attend to. I know it hurts. I've been through this too but trust me, if you don't push now we don't know what could happen," Doctor Cooper explained.

Hearing that made Diana freak out. She didn't want something to happen to her or the baby. So she sat up and gripped onto Harry's hand tighter before pushing. The two of them could constantly hear the "1, 2, 3, push" from the doctor.

"I see the head Mrs. Styles. You're so close, one last push for me okay?"

"One last push," she said, looking at Harry in shock that they were about to meet their daughter.

Diana pushed once more and she could feel the relief in her body when the doctor had pulled out the baby but there was something wrong. Why was there no noise? Why was the doctor and the nurse rushing to take the baby?

"What's happening?" Diana asked, her heart racing. "Why isn't she crying Harry? Why isn't there any noise?"

Diana and Harry kept crying out trying to figure out what was wrong and why no one was responding to them.

Harry made an attempt to try and talk to the doctor but while he was leaving, Diana kept a vice grip on his hand like she was scared of something happening to him too.

The only thing that Harry could hear were the sobs of his beautiful wife next to him. There was a ringing in his ear trying to figure out what was going on and why their daughter wasn't in their hands right now.

The doctor made her way back with a baby in her hand but with the expression on her face, it definitely didn't seem like a good thing.

"I'm sorry but it seems that you have given birth to a stillborn baby Mrs. Styles," she said, breaking the couple's hearts and ultimately, being the reason for the downfall of their marriage.


a/n: lol um... don't kill me

bye now

- ms. lube

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