chapter 3

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just a little bit of your heart - ariana grande (harry's version)


Diana's POV:

"How is it going Diana?" Niall asked, sitting down in the booth at the diner. Barry's Diner was a famous diner in our town, the owner being Barry. He was a six foot three Australian man but he had the sweetest heart and he cooked the best food in this entire town.

"It's um- it's going," I responded, picking up the menu to see what to order.

"What do you mean honey bunches?" Niall asked, using the nickname he gave me when we had first met.

"Come here honey bunches," Niall said, gaining my attention.

"Honey bunches?" I asked, extremely confused.

"Oh shit my bad," he said. "I tend to give nicknames to people and I just thought it fit you."

"Honey bunches hmm? Maybe I should give you a nickname..."

"You don't have to Diana-"

"Another cereal, yeah? What about cinnamon toast crunch? Or even better, lucky charms because you're Irish," I said, taunting him.

"Lucky charms is it then I guess?" Niall said, laughing.

"Lucky charms it is."

"I don't know, things have just been a lot different lately," I explained. I didn't know how in depth I wanted to tell Niall about the fights and arguments between Harry and I. The two of them were best friends and co-workers so if I said something Niall might tell Harry and I didn't want to piss him off any more.

"Talk to me Diana," Niall responded, putting his menu down, making me put mine down too.

"It's nothing-"

"Tell me."

"Harry's just being weird," I said, trying to keep the tears at bay. How pathetic was I? It wasn't even a minute of me explaining and I was already tearing up. "He's been distant and we've been getting into more and more arguments and I don't know what to do Niall."

"What do you mean by arguments? It's not getting physical right?" Niall asked, cautiously.

"No no not at all. We'll be fine for a little and then something will happen and we'll blow up at each other and it never ends okay. He always sleeps on the couch and I'll cover him with a blanket and sit by his side the entire night. I won't be able to sleep and right before he wakes up I'll go back to our bed," I said, tears starting to run down my cheeks.

"Diana," Niall said, letting out a small breath, "Harry's been really stressed at work and I think that's what's making him even more pissy. Don't worry too much about him, okay?"

"It's not that it just feels like he's never telling me the truth anymore. He's staying later and later at work, either because he doesn't want to come home, come home to me, or because there's someone- something else keeping him occupied there," I confessed, wiping the tears on my face.

"Diana I promise Harry's being truthful, he's not lying to you," Niall said, picking up my hand and rubbing it with his thumb.

Why did I not believe him? I know Niall would tell me the truth but why did I feel like there was something more? Harry couldn't be spending every night at the office doing work so there had to be something else he was doing. Or maybe someone else.

I wanted to ask Niall if there was anything else but if I asked maybe he would tell Harry and he would get mad at me and wonder why I didn't trust him. I didn't want to piss him off so I changed the topic.

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