chapter 10

347 7 11

story of us - taylor swift


tw: emetephobia (i will put a note when it starts and ends if you would like to skip)


Harry's POV:

"Are you ready Diana?" I yelled, standing in the kitchen trying to find a glass so I could drink some water.

Tonight was the annual company dinner where all the executives, directors, basically all the important people got together for a fancy ass dinner where the portions were tiny and the food was bland.

Niall and I were forced to go every year ever since we started working here but this was the first year where I wasn't the only one in a relationship.

Niall finally grew the balls to ask Amelia to be his girlfriend, the two of them inseparable ever since then.

Niall was debating bringing her tonight but I told him that it was better for her to be introduced to the lifestyle now then later. Plus it gave Diana someone to talk to so she wouldn't grow bored like she often did in situations like this.

I had hoped maybe this night would give Diana and I a break from the real world and that we could enjoy it without anything in the way.

But why did I feel like something really bad was going to happen?

"Yeah give me two minutes Harry," Diana shouted from the bathroom, finishing up her makeup. "Can you grab my black coat from the closet?"

"Yeah. Do you need anything else?" I asked, walking over to the closet so I could grab coats for the two of us.

I was wearing a simple black suit with a white shirt underneath it. I decided not to wear a tie with it since it didn't go with the suit and they always annoyed me.

I slipped on my black shoes, hearing the sound of footsteps exiting our bedroom, Diana standing there in a tight, black dress. She looked absolutely stunning and I swear, I fell in love with her all over again.

Diana never failed to make me feel like this every single time I saw her. And I know I was being a shit husband but I didn't know why she was still with me.

Why didn't she just leave me? She could do so much better than the shitty relationship I'm giving her.

"You look beautiful Diana," I said, getting up from the couch so I could walk towards her. Her dark, brown hair was slightly curled with tints of light brown in it.

"And you look nice Harry. You always clean up nicely," she said, smoothing out my suit jacket, running one of her hands through my hair to fix it.

"I always prefer your hair a little bit messy instead of gelled back," Diana whispered, almost like she didn't mean to say it out loud.

"Come on D," I said. "We should probably head out.

She nodded, grabbing her black heels from the side before walking out of the apartment, closing the door so I could lock it.


Diana's POV:

Arriving at the dinner, it was at a fancy banquet hall with valet pre-paid for all the cars.

Harry gave the keys to his car to the valet person, giving him an extra $20 as a tip for the poor man.

Harry and I walked inside, his hand on my lower back as we entered the venue. He greeted some of his co-workers and introduced them to me.

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