chapter 4

469 13 73

ghostin - ariana grande


tw: slight mentions of self-harm (not super in depth)


It was a long day and all Diana wanted to do was come home and sleep. She missed her husband and all she wanted was to see him.

As she opened the door, she was given sight to something she hoped she would never see in her life.

Her husband, Harry Styles, was fucking his assistant on their couch. His assistant was on all fours, and Harry's back was faced towards Diana.

A loud gasp escaped her throat as she saw her worst nightmare entangling out in front of her. She never thought her husband of 3 years and boyfriend of almost 5 would ever cheat on her, I mean he would tell her 24/7 how she was the love of his life and there was no one else for him.

But here they were, Harry fucking someone else while Diana had to stand there and see it happen.

"Harry- what-"

"Fuck Diana," Harry said, removing himself from the woman's body. "What are you doing home already?"

"I always come home at this time- Harry what is happening?"

"Jenny go home," Harry said sharply, throwing her clothes at her, making her quickly put them on before running out of the door, almost like she was scared of Harry and what he would do to her.

"Harry, why did you just kick her out? You could've given her a little time, Jesus," Diana said, looking up at Harry. Just the mere sight of Harry made her feel like she was going to throw up.

"Diana, why aren't you yelling at me? You should be mad!" Harry shouted, like he wanted Diana to yell at him. Like her yelling at him would finally give him the attention he had so badly wanted.

"Yell at you? Harry I came home to you fucking your assistant on the couch I bought for the two of us! Give me a chance to process that you fucking cheated on me!"

"You don't even care do you?" Harry sneered, looking up at her.

"What do you mean?"

"All you fucking care about is your job and your friends and the fucking baby we lost!" Harry shouted, causing Diana to visibly flinch.

"Harry what-"

"The baby is dead. Get that into your head Diana," Harry said, tears prickling on both his eyes and Diana's.

"Harry stop it-"

"No. You killed our fucking child and then you go and cry and cry and cry when I should be the one who is mad! Why would I ever want someone who would kill my fucking child Diana?" Harry said, spitting the harsh words at Diana's face.


"You killed our child Diana. Get that into your thick skull. You're the reason she's dead."


Diana's POV:

"Diana, wake up!" Harry screamed, getting off the couch and shaking me awake. What happened? Was that not real? Had that really just been a nightmare?

"Diana, can you hear me?" Harry said, trying to get my attention. "Blink or do something if you can hear me D."

I looked up at him and put my hand on his cheek to signal that I could hear him and that I was awoken from the horrid nightmare I was in.

two worlds apart // harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now