chapter 7

363 10 34

free - prettymuch


tw: slight depressive episode


Diana's POV:

Today was a bad day. I could already feel it from when I woke up.

I hated when I had these types of days. It was like every little thing either angered me or made me sad.

I would overreact to tiny little things like Harry not closing the door all the way or if he left a dish out.

The worst was these types of days made me hate myself even more. It made me hate the way my stomach looked and made me wanna do anything to go back to what I used to look like.

Harry was at work this morning and today had been a day off for school so here I was, sitting in our bed, not wanting to get up or move.

I'm just glad this happened on a day where I didn't have to teach kids and I was able to stay at home. I don't know what I would've done if the students had to see me like this. I probably would've gotten fired.

I think I stayed in bed for the entire day, barely eating or drinking anything and only getting up once or twice to go to the bathroom.

My stomach was aching from having barely anything in it but I had no motivation to get up and get food. I simply didn't want to eat.

And I knew that was bad. I knew I needed to eat but I didn't want to. My body wasn't craving it. I knew Harry was going to yell at me for not taking care of myself but I didn't care, I would take all the heat.

I heard the door unlock, checking the time on my phone. It showed it was 5:43 pm and I knew that meant Harry was home from work and all he would want to do was cuddle with me and hold me.

I just wasn't in the mood for that today. And I hoped he would understand. I hated making him feel bad but I had to put myself first right? That's always what he said.

"Diana?" Harry said, calling for me from the front of the apartment. "Where are you, pretty girl?"

I didn't respond, not having enough energy to make any type of word when Harry walked into our room to see me lying on our bed, my face looking paler than normal.

"Baby are you okay?" Harry asked, dropping his stuff before making his way over to the bed quickly. He looked so worried for me and all I wanted to tell him was that I was fine. That this would pass hopefully soon but I couldn't.

My body wouldn't let me.

"You sick babe?" Harry asked, placing his hand on my forehead to feel my temperature. As soon as he did that, I heard my stomach start to grumble, outing me in the fact that I was very hungry and hadn't eaten all day.

"Have you eaten anything today?" I nodded my head no before turning to the other side so I wouldn't see the disappointment on Harry's face.

"Come on let's get you up Diana," Harry said, walking over so he could pick me up bridal style before carrying me out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

He placed me down on one of our stools, moving so he could get a can of soup from our pantry to heat it up for me.

I was incredibly thankful for him and that he knew exactly what to do to help me. He always knew how to cheer me up or get me out of a funk I was in.

As the soup was warming up, he looked at me before asking something. "You want me to make pancakes D? It can be like old times again."

"Yeah," I said, talking for the first time that day, making him smile at me.

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