chapter 5 (!)

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teenager in love - madison beer


may 16, 2016

"Harry, it's our song!" Diana said, pulling Harry up and towards the dance floor. Harry willingly grabbed her hand before being yanked by her tiny self. She was short but Diana weirdly had a lot of arm strength.

The song playing in the background being, Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley. This song had played on their first date when Harry asked Diana to be her girlfriend and the night they both confessed their love for each other.

Diana's dress was a midnight blue, simple, yet elegant. The money she had put aside for it was taken by her mom. Her mom, Ashley, had taken the money she hid in her room and spent it all on drugs and alcohol.

When Diana found out, she sat on her bedroom floor, crying for hours because she was so excited. All she had been waiting for was to go to prom with Harry but her mom had ruined her plans.

Diana called Harry that night, sobbing on the phone about her mom and how she was a rude and selfish bitch which instantly gave Harry an idea.

He ran downstairs to his mom, Anne, once Diana hung up and talked to her. The two of them had decided to pool their money together to buy Diana a dress, knowing they wouldn't want her to miss out on this experience because she didn't have a dress.

When Harry showed Diana the dress, she pulled Harry in for a hug and started crying. There were tears drenching Harry's shirt but he didn't care. All he cared about was seeing the love of his life happy.

"Harry I love you," Diana said, resting her head on Harry's chest while they were rocking back and forth to the music.

"I love you more," Harry responded, moving Diana's head so he could pull her into a kiss. Diana knew that everyone around them would be judging them, but she didn't care.



"Wanna get out of here?" he whispered, placing a kiss right underneath the shell of her ear.

"Yes," Diana whispered out.

"Come on," Harry said, grabbing her hand and instantly rushing out of the room. "Let's try to find an open bathroom or something."

The two of them ran around trying to find somewhere where they could have sex but Diana got distracted, walking outside to find an open field. She looked up and saw a plethora of stars lighting up the night sky.

"Diana, what are you looking at?" Harry said, walking up behind her.

"Look Harry. There's so many stars," she said, in awe of how many she could see.


"Harry, come on! Let's go lay on the grass and stare at the stars," Diana said, almost begging Harry. Harry would never object, he was so hopelessly in love with her that he would do anything she asked.

The two high schoolers walked up to the grass, hopping the fence before laying down and looking up. Harry didn't really have any clue as to what he was looking at but he knew that Diana did. She was in love with the stars, of course she knew what they were looking at.

"Explain to me what we're looking at D," Harry asked, turning to his side.

"Well you see that over there, that is the Big Dipper," she responded, pointing to somewhere in the sky. Harry couldn't tell exactly where she was pointing to but he pretended like he knew what was going on.

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