Chapter SEVEN

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Tomas calmed down and on the way back home we stopped at a nearby store.
"So I was almost sucessful by following your advice"Tomas chuckled.
"Huh? "I asked.
"About Melissa. I was really gonna tell her about her liking me and all".
"Ohh what were you gonna say? If you don't mind me asking".
"Eh well that I wasn't worth her time and all. That I couldn't return her feelings but I'd really like it if we stayed friends" Tomas shrugged.
I nodded. "Sounds about right. I mean I've never been liked by anyone to where I've had to tell them something like that, so I really have no idea".
Tomas laughed a little and ripped open his package of mini doughnuts.
"I just hope she doesn't lose it"he frowned.
I looked back at him then patted his back. "It'll be fine. I think, sorry I'm undecided ".
"Heh I know".
"Dude whered Jessica and Harry go?"someone yelled.
We turned and there Coming out of another store was Patrick and a few other people. I looked over and instantly he turned waving. My eyes widened.
"Go communicate with your new bff "Tomas whispered with a grin.
I turned and started to walk quickly. "Quit that, He's going to get the wrong idea"I glared.
Tomas walked Beside me eating. "So you don't want to communicate with others?"he asked.
I shook my head. "No I can do fine without it"I answered.
"Heh "he said laughing.
"What?"I asked still walking at a fast pace.
"You did just fine with that girl earlier"he laughed a little.
My eyes widened and then I shrugged.
"That's different".
"How so?"he asked.
"Well I don't know. Paula seemed different I guess. She's the only person really there so far who hasn't jumped in my face and been all flashy. Plus she likes the same video games as me and I don't know that's really all I could say".
Tomas laughed. "Videogames? Wow I would've never thought she even played any. She's always with a book so yea"Tomas chuckled.
"Well she Does, and she knows a lot about finishing them and getting into extra levels"I smiled.
Tomas nodded. "You're probably the only perosn I've ever seen talk to her".
My eyes widened. "About that, why doesn't she hangout with anyone? She seems nice and all. I mean why isn't anyone being all flashy with her?"I asked confused.
Tomas finished his piece of food the looked back at me.
"People are just judgemental"he whispered.
"Why haven't you talked to her then?".
Tomas frowned then shrugged. "Well I mean everytime I'm nice to someone they get like Melissa. And I mean I just don't want to hurt them in the end"he said Sadly.
I nodded. "Still though. To everyone else who makes her feel so down, Their just jerks"I spat.
Tomas looked over at me wide eyed.
"What?"I said again.
"I guess Dylan Does have his eyes on someone"he grinned.
My jaw dropped and I punched his stomach. "Do not!"I yelled.
He kept laughing.
"No it's not like that! I'm just being open to being friends with her. Besides I've never liked anyone and don't you think if I did I'd feel something? Talking to her is as if I'm talking to you. Just with, more brains"I teased.
Tomas rolled his eyes. "Fine fine, I get you".

"So today was good?"Mrs fredricks asked.
I nodded and took a sip out of my water. Just then Mr fredricks walked in. He had a phone in his hand and took a piece of bread off the table.
"Hey guys"he smiled.
His wife kissed him and Tomas waved.
"Was it alright?"he asked looking at me.
"Wasn't that bad"I whispered with a nod.
He smiled then walked out to the living room to finish his call.
Mrs Fredericks sat down taking a bite out of her lasagna. "Any new friends Dylan?"she smiled.
I nodded almost instantly.
"What Their names?" She asked.
"Paula. I don't know her last name though"I answered.
"You forgot Patrick"Tomas nudged.
I glared and stepped on his foot hardly.
He laughed afterwards.
"Who's Patrick?"his mom laughed.
"Eh just a guy who has fallen instantly for him"Tomas pointed.
Mrs fredricks smiled as well. "Oh my. Poor boy"she grinned.
I looked at Tomas annoyed then shook my head.
"He won't be a problem to my school year though. I'm trying my hardest for him not to be close to me in anyway"I shook.
Tomas smiled. As did his mom.
"But other than the confused guy, you had a good first day?"she asked.
I looked over and both of them were staring. My eyes widened but I smiled.
"Yea. It was good"I said looking down.

I looked through one of my books from my old house and studied the figures from an old game I had played. There was supposedy a secret level that you could unlock after the seventh place. I narrowed my eyes as I examined it all closely. KNOCK KNOCK. I turned startled.

"Who is it?"I asked.

"Paulaaa"He laughed.

"Shut up"I glared.

Tomas came in instantly and jumped on the side of the bed. I moved over more giving him room on MY bed.

"Whats that?"he asked eyeing my book.

"Crash Cutters Game Book"I said keeping my eyes on the book.

"Why you reading it?".

"Paula told me there was another level hidden after the seventh place when you go upstairs. Ive been wondering how there could be one if theres only-"

I stopped in my words as I noticed Tomas staring with wide eyes and a wierd twisted mouth. He quietly chuckled as he threw himself back. I could feel myself growing hot with anger. Instead of going all out I turned shaking my head. As I flipped through the book over and over I stopped noticing the back cover. My eyes widened.

"So dude are you sure you still wanna go to that party?"Tomas asked.

I didnt answer.

"Yo Dylan Im talking to you"he nudged my arm.

I closed the book and set it on the table beside the bed. Slowly I went over to grab my phone. It blinked on and I stared interested in the notifications.

"Dylan Walkerrrr"Tomas groaned,

As I expected no calls no messages , nothing.

"Its whatever I dont care" I said to Tomas.

Tomas leaned back up laughing then stared back at me. His expression changed to confusion. I huffed then went to the door.

"Where you goin?"he called.

"Bathroom"I answered.

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