11; don't leave

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When Janina woke up from her sleep she looked at the clock that was on the hospital wall and saw it was three am, but she felt like she wouldn't be able to sleep anymore. Slowly she sat up straight in the way too uncomfortable bed and looked around the room, only to notice Mitch sitting at the small desk the hospital had provided in the room. She saw him flipping through papers and files and she figured he was looking for clues, so she climbed out of bed to join him.

"Need a hand?" she whispered once she stood behind Mitch, hesitating for a second before she put her hand down on his shoulder. His forehead wrinkles were prominent and he had dark circles under his eyes because of how stressed and tired he was and it only made Janina feel worried and sad. She knew he barely got any rest because of the mission and now she had only made it worse by asking him to help her find her father. 

"It's okay, I'm done anyway. I was looking for any hidden clues or things I missed in the files that Hurley gave me, but without success." Mitch's smile was tired and weak, but it was a genuine smile nonetheless. "You shouldn't be out of bed, Nina. Go back to bed and get some rest," he told her with a voice laced with worry, but Janina just shook her head as an answer. 

"I'm not tired anymore, I slept enough," she murmured and removed her hand from his shoulder, now sitting down in the other chair that was facing Mitch. "You on the other hand look exhausted. Get some sleep okay? If anything happens or I need you then I'll wake you up." she gave him a weak smile, which dropped instantly when Mitch stubbornly shook his head. "Okay that's it, come on." she forcefully grabbed his arm and made him stand up before she walked over to her bed, glad that he didn't fight back too much because he knew she was still in pain.

"I'll sleep, but only if you join me. The bed is big enough for the both of us." Janina's eyes became sterner when he tried to protest and she waited for him to climb in bed, her eyes softening when he finally did what she had asked from him. After he was comfortable she also climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up so they both were covered. Once she looked up and realized how close they were she gulped. She hadn't really thought this through and it showed. She decided to just lie down on her back and stare at the ceiling, deep in thought now. 

"Janina?" she heard Mitch whisper and she looked back at him again, nodding as a sign for him to speak again. "I meant what I said when we were talking at the car. I don't want you to leave me. You're the first friend I've made in a while and I just- I don't want to lose that, okay? I don't know what's going on with me or what I'm feeling these days, but the only thing I'm certain of is that I want you around me." he could feel tears well in his eyes which he just wiped away, ashamed of how he presented himself in front of her. These thoughts, these feelings, they scared him immensely. He was scared of getting too close, scared of losing her like he had lost Katrina. Scared of having to deal with that pain once again.

"I'm here," Janina whispered, slowly bringing her hand up to his cheek and cupping it softly. With her thumb, she wiped away a tear that had fallen free on his cheek and she gave him a tender smile, appreciating this honest side of Mitch. It was a side she hadn't expected to see so soon but she was happy about it nonetheless. "I want you around me too, Mitch. I'm sorry for the way I reacted back there, I was just- I felt so betrayed. I don't like feeling like that, I don't like my trust being broken. I trusted Aiden and then he killed so many people. It's hard for me to trust people but with you, it wasn't hard. Not at all."

Mitch felt overwhelmed because of Janina's touch. Her warm skin against his cheek shocked him and he didn't know what to say or do, he just looked at her with his deep hazel eyes. He blinked a few times before he finally reacted. He slowly brought one hand down to cup her cheek, his other hand traveling to her hip. His eyes went from her eyes to her lips and back up to her eyes, almost as if he was waiting for her to grant him permission. When it seemed like she did, he slowly brought his lips to capture hers in a gentle kiss. 

He had missed the tingling sensation of his lips touching someone else's. It made his heart instantly race and his palms become sweaty. He quickly lost himself in the kiss as he deepened it, the grip on her hips slightly tightening as if he was checking if he was really touching her. As if he was checking if it was really her he was kissing. Before he knew it he was on top of Janina and he had pulled away from the kiss for air, his breathing heavy as he watched her with eyes that had turned darker because of lust. "If we don't stop now, I won't be able to contain myself," he whispered, in his mind begging her not to tell him to stop. 

(warning!!! smut incoming)

"I don't want you to stop," Janina whispered back, her own breathing heavy from the heated kiss. Her heart was racing as well and she was terrified of how this would change things between them but she knew she wanted this. She desperately wanted to feel his warm skin against her own. She desperately wanted to feel him.

Mitch took that as his sign to go on with what he was doing so he crashed his lips onto hers in a rougher kiss than the first one, licking her lips as a sign he waited for her permission. Once her lips parted he slipped his tongue into her mouth to swirl around hers, his hands playing with the hem of her shirt. He only pulled away from the kiss for a couple of seconds to get rid of both their shirts and he was surprised to see she wasn't wearing a bra, but he didn't say anything because he was too overwhelmed with lust to form words. 

He positioned himself between Janina's legs which were bare because she had only been wearing an oversized shirt to sleep in, which meant she now was only left in her underwear. "So beautiful," he murmured and slowly left a trail of kisses down her neck, chest, and stomach. His words made Janina blush, which only turned Mitch on even more. 

"I can't wait much longer," Mitch murmured and sat up so he could get rid of his pants and underwear, making his member slap against his stomach once it sprung free. "If I hurt you, please stop me okay?" he whispered as he slowly slipped her underwear off, glad to see her nod immediately. He took a moment to examine her face just to make sure this was actually something she wanted and when he was sure, he slowly pushed himself into her. 

"Holy fuck," Janina gasped for air when she felt him enter, her breath shaky. She felt pain at first because of the size of Mitch but once she was adjusted she nodded, wrapping her legs around his waist and bringing her hands to his hair. "You're so big," she whispered before he crashed his lips onto hers to shut himself up, both of them moaning against each other's lips while Mitch gave her slow yet steady thrusts.

"You feel so good wrapped around me, god," Mitch murmured and once it seemed like she was genuinely enjoying it he started fastening his pace, grinning when she began rolling her hips to meet his thrusts. His lips latched onto her neck as he began leaving kisses on her heated skin but he made sure not to leave any marks, not wanting to hear comments from Hurley about not making things personal when he'd see them. 

The pleasure that Mitch felt absolutely drove him crazy. It was the first moment ever after Katrina's death, where he didn't feel guilty for feeling these feelings or for doing what he was doing, and the fact that he hadn't had sex ever since Katrina didn't make it easy to hide how much he was enjoying himself. "I'm not going to last long," he murmured against the skin of Janina's neck, his thrusts already becoming sloppier. 

"Me neither Mitch, fuck." Janina was now gripping onto his back, her nails digging into his skin. It was a painful pleasure that drove Mitch over the edge and he was glad he could feel her clench around him tightly, a sign she was also driven over the edge. He quickly pulled out of her and before he knew it he had released his load all over her stomach and thigh. "Fuck, I'm sorry," he murmured, a small smile on his lips while he quickly grabbed a tissue to clean her up.

"Don't ever say sorry for the things you enjoy," Janina whispered, looking up at him with those gentle hazel eyes that Mitch could feel himself get lost in whenever he looked at them. And at that moment he realized. 

He couldn't be friends with Janina.

𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙞𝙖 , 𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘱Where stories live. Discover now