06; driving

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"How long until we reach Hamburg?" Janina asked, looking out the mirror to watch the passing fields. She had to admit, Germany was beautiful. The landscapes were much better compared to Virginia, where she was born and raised. "Around two hours, then we'll meet Hurley and Richards at a coffee shop, get some sugar in you and go from Hamburg to Stuttgart, which will be quite a long ride." Mitch replied, keeping his eyes straight to the road. 

Janina was seated in the back because she wanted to be able to lay down when she needed to. "Why do we need to get some sugar in me? Are you trying to get me fat, Rapp?" she asked with furrowed brows and Mitch looked at her with a surprised look on his face. "What? N-No? I was just- you're diabetic Nina! You need sugar, and you need to give yourself a shot in an hour, don't forget that." he said and Janina laughed at the look on his face. "I was joking, you idiot."

Once an hour had passed, Mitch helped her remind her to take her shot. "I'll be right back." Mitch said and got out to do what men always do when they drive for such a long time, pee. She chuckled at her own thoughts and shook her head before lifting her shirt up and injecting herself with her medication, hissing at the way too familiar feeling. She turned her head to look at Mitch, who was zipping up his pants and she blushed, quickly averting her eyes. She dumped the needle she used to take her medication in a special bag and sealed it. 

"Ready to go? I have a bottle of Fanta for you, you should drink something else instead of water." Mitch said and grabbed the bottle from a cooler he kept in the seat next to him and handed it to her with a gentle smile that sent shivers down her spine. He wasn't so happy to be working with her when he found out, why was he so nice now? 

"I read your file but it said nothing about family. Do you still have contact with them?" Mitch asked and Janina gulped. She had hoped this wouldn't have been a topic he would pick, but she couldn't escape it. She had to tell him, it was important information. "My dad disappeared after my youngest brother's death. My mom went crazy when Aiden died, we had to bring her to a mental facility. I've seen her a couple times after that but somehow her entire memory was blocked. She couldn't even remember me or my older brother. We also haven't found my dad, even Hurley searched for him."

"I'm sorry about that. How did your brother pass away?" Mitch asked and Janina chuckled sadly. "Hurley killed him." she mumbled and Mitch's eyes widened while he looked at her through the rearview mirror. "Why?" he asked and she took a sip of the Fanta. "He shot children in the school. I was there when it happened, when he killed all those kids and when Hurley shot him in the chest. At first I was mad at Hurley, but I began to understand. My brother was mentally ill. He wasn't himself anymore, so Hurley didn't kill my brother. He killed a monster." she closed the lid of the Fanta again and set it down in the cupholder of the truck they were in.

"My parents died in a car crash when I was fourteen. And my fiancé died a year ago, I was there. I saw her get shot." Mitch whispered and focussed on the road again. "I know. Hurley told me." Janina whispered back and grabbed her phone once she heard it ping. "Change of plan, Hurley wants us to go to Stuttgart immediately, our suspect is on the move already." she said and sent a reply saying they were on their way.

"Oh fuck, I'll stop somewhere to get you some sugar then. We'll find a tank station pretty soon, I'm sure of it." Mitch said and continued the long drive. And of course Mitch was right. After half an hour they reached a tank station and he bought her some sugar coated donuts and chocolate, which ended up being her favorite type of chocolate, salty caramel. "Thanks Mitch." she muttered and took the bag, breaking a piece off the chocolate and handing it to him. "You need sugar too, everybody needs sugar." she said and he chuckled, taking the piece.

As Mitch began driving again Janina plugged in her headphones, turning on some random song by Eminem. As soon as she heard the calming beat she closed her eyes, her knees pressed against her chest and her head was resting on her jacket, which she had pressed against the window. She slowly let sleep take over, too tired and emotional from the talk they had to even try to stay awake.

𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙞𝙖 , 𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘱Where stories live. Discover now