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Yeonjun POV

So, here we are in a hotel in Seoul.

This time I had to share a room with Beomgyu. Currently, me and him were sitting on the bed minding our own business. It was already dark outside and the city was lit up by all the lights.

Beomgyu stands up and goes to the bathroom. Not a minute later, he comes back saying, "We don't have toilet paper."

"Then you should go down to the front desk and ask for some more I guess," I say. "Okay but, can you come with me? I'm scared to go alone," He asks.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, let's go." I get up off the bed and we make our way towards the elevator on our floor. "Huh?" Beomgyu suddenly says. I look at the elevator and it shows that someone is coming up.

"It's probably just one of our managers or something," I state. But then the elevator doors open to reveal...Not a manager?

It was Y/n. What was she doing here?

She stares at the both of us in silence for a few seconds, before suddenly falling down. "Ahhhh," Beomgyu screams. "She's dead!" He exclaims, covering his mouth.

I ignore his dramatic persona and lean down to see if this girl is okay. "Y/n?" I tap her. "She fainted," I say, looking at Beomgyu. He just stands there, dumbstruck.

I pick her up and hold her bridal-style. "What are you going to do with her?" Beomgyu asks. "We'll have to take her to our room for now. Since I don't know what room she's staying in," I tell him.


We walk back to the hotel room and Beomgyu opens the door. I carry Y/n inside and gently put her down on the bed.

"Do you even know this girl?" Beomgyu asks. "Yes, she's the one I told you about, that saved me."

He nods in realization.

"She should wake up soon, I'll get her some water when we fetch the toilet paper," I say.

"I'll be back soon," I whisper to a still unconscious Y/n.

Beomgyu and I leave the room, closing the door on our way out. We make our way down to the lobby and get everything we need from the staff. Water and toilet paper.



Seeing one member of TXT was fine, but seeing two members together standing right in front of me was just too much to handle, and I passed out in the elevator. How embarrassing.

I regained my consciousness and slowly opened my eyes which felt heavy. I think, 'Oh, I'm in my hotel room.' Looking around and noticing how everything looks exactly the same. It calms me down a bit knowing that I'm not in some random place.

But wait. How did I get into my room?


this isn't

my room.

Don't all hotel rooms

look the same?

If so,

then who's hotel room am I in?

All of a sudden, the door opens to reveal the two people I'd hope to see other than Daeun.

Yeonjun and... don't faint this time Y/n... Beomgyu.

"You're awake," Yeonjun says softly, walking towards me and sitting down next to me. "H-how did I get here?" I ask like an idiot. "You fainted right in front of us, so we brought you here, I don't know what your room number is," He tells me.

"Oh, well thank you."

Yeonjun looks behind him and realizes Beomgyu is also here. "Oh, Y/n, this is Beomgyu, one of the four other members of Tomorrow x Together," He gestures to Beomgyu. "Nice to meet you Beomgyu," I say, as calm. as. possible.

"N-nice to meet you too, Y-Y/n."

"Here, I brought some water for you," Yeonjun says, handing me a bottle of water. "Thanks," I take a sip. "I should probably get back to my room," I say. "Maybe you should stay here for a little, until you get your energy back," He says.

I sigh, he was right. "Hey, Yeonjun, I'm gonna go to the others' room and hangout there for a bit," Beomgyu says. "Okay, see you."

He leaves and closes the door behind him. "So, I wanted to ask, why are you here?"

"Oh, well I thought I'd buy a ticket to your concert, so at least we could kind of see each other during your tour," I say. That wasn't the reason. I'm here because my best friend and I are big fans of you guys and we came to see you in concert. But he doesn't need to know that.

Yeonjun smiles, "You booked concert tickets just to see me?"

Duh. Who wouldn't.

"Yep," I respond.

He smiles again and looks away. "Are your cheeks turning pink, Choi Yeonjun?" I ask, giggling. That seemed to make him even more shy. "No no, It's just getting really hot in here, don't you think?" He says, standing up and opening a window.

"Yeahh, it's super hot," I say sarcastically.

He sits back down and we end up talking to each other for quite a while. It turns out we have quite a lot in common. A lot I didn't know about him just as a fan.

I was slowly starting to think of him more as friend, and not as an idol.


Daeun POV

"Y/n?" I call, hoping that's she's just playing a joke on me and hiding somewhere, after I found our hotel room empty.

'Ugh, this girl. Let me just call her.'

I click on her contact name and call Y/n.


"Where are you?"

"Oh uhh, I went to get more toilet paper."

"But we have toilet paper here."

"Oh, so should I leave it then?"

"Just come to the room please."

I hang up on my silly friend and fall onto the bed. I was quite tired after today.



Daeun hangs up and Yeonjun and I break out in to laughter. "Okay, but I really should go now," I say, standing up. "Aww, but we were having a nice talk," Yeonjun says with a pout.

"We'll talk again soon, don't worry," I assure him. He gives me an unexpected hug and we stay like that for a few seconds.

"Goodnight Yeonjun," I say with a sheepish smile. "Goodnight Y/n," He replies.

I walk off and head to my hotel room.

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