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Daeun POV

After comforting Y/n for the whole night, we both went to sleep and I had planned to ask a lot of questions the next morning.

When we finished eating breakfast, I sat with her at the kitchen island and started speaking.

"So, you and Yeonjun have been together for how long now?" I ask. "Around 3 months. And we met at a coffee shop..."

She tells me the whole story of the day at the coffee shop and she also explains why she kept leaving when we were staying at the hotel. I nod as she speaks, starting to understand everything.

"So you said he broke up with you right?"

"Yeah...Well I asked him what we are and he said I don't know. But I just have a feeling that things are over between us," She says. "You don't know that for sure, he might just be taking some time to think about the situation," I tell her.

I can't believe my best friend has been dating Choi Yeonjun for 3 months and I've had no clue whatsoever.

"Anyways, all sadness aside for a sec. Girl, you're dating my TXT bias. You're literally the luckiest person in the world."

Y/n had zero happiness left inside her at this point, even if I tried to cheer her up I couldn't even get a small smile out of her. "Let's just hope he can forgive me," She says.

"He will! He probably already has. Just give him some time to think and he'll be right back here in a few days," I tell her, bringing as much positivity as I can. Man, I'm really such a good friend.

"You better be right Daeun," She says, leaning on my shoulder as she continues to sob.



"I'm gonna go to my room for a bit," I say to Daeun, leaving the hug. "Alright. If you need anything, I'll be right here."

"Thanks," I say, wiping my tears.

I head into my room and lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I really hope Yeonjun can forgive me, and that we can maybe talk things out. I really messed up and I feel so guilty about it. I really do love Yeonjun, and I don't want to lose him.

I suddenly get a notification and I'm not really in the mood to check it, but I decide to incase it's important.


i head about what
are you okay?

sorry, who is this?

oh, it's me beomgyu

oh, hey.
life's not so great rn

i can imagine
but don't worry, yeonjun will
come around :)

wait, aren't you mad?

mad about what?

that i lied

im a little disappointed, but i
understand why you did it.
which is why i've forgiven you
and i promise yeonjun will too

thanks beomgyu :)
how did you get my number btw?

i stole yeonjun's phone and
got it from there

oh and if i may ask...


who was your bias? 👉👈

omg lol
it was you🤭😅

good choice y/n
good choice

anyways, i need to go


he still loves you, i promise


I chucked my phone down next to me and closed my eyes.

Beomgyu's words gave me a little bit of hope, but I still couldn't help but cry. Right now, there was one person I really needed to talk to, and that was Felix.

Since I was young, whenever I was sad or upset, Felix would always be there to comfort me. I quickly gave him a call.

ring ring

ring ring


"Felix, can I come see you at home?"

"Sure but why?"

"I just need you right now."

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit then?"

"See you."

I hang up and put on a jacket before grabbing the car keys and letting Daeun know where I'm going.


I reached our house and got out the car, knocking on the door. The door is soon opened by Felix thankfully, and not my mom or dad. If they had, I'd need to explain why I've been crying and so on. I had no energy whatsoever to explain any of it, so yeah.

"Hey, why did you want to talk?" Felix asks. I push myself into his arms and give him a hug. "I know I shouldn't feel sorry for myself but I'm really sad right now," I say in a muffled voice.

"Let's go inside and we can chat," He leaves the hug and we go through the house outside to the backyard.

We sit down on a bench on the terrace. The night was calm and the air wasn't too cold. All you could hear were faint cricket noises and an owl hooting every few minutes.

"I told Yeonjun that I knew him, and that I was a fan," I tell Felix. "Oh, that's good. How did he take it?" He asks.

"Not so well. He seemed heartbroken, betrayed if you would. I asked him what we are, and he responded with 'I don't know'. So I don't really know what's going on at the moment," I explain.

Felix puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean my head on him. "It'll all turn out okay," He says.

I spend the next hour or so just venting to Felix. It felt good to let out my emotions, especially those regarding my boyfriend. Well, at least I think he's still my boyfriend.


"Thanks for the talk Lix," I say, standing up from the bench. "I hope everything works out with you guys," He says. I smile and give him one last hug, before he walks me out to my car.

We say our goodbyes and I head back to the apartment.


this was kinda a filler chapter so not much happened but yes

lmk what u want to see in the future of this story maybe if u want.

love u

- author

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