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hi updates are going to be slow bc im writing exams

edit: this chapter literally took me over a month to write im sorry

edit 2: updates are going to be even SLOWER now bc i got acrylic nails and it's harder to type with them
but i'm anyways thinking of ending this book soon just fyi


The following morning, I was getting dressed and ready to leave.

Yeonjun walks into the room and asks, "Are you ready to go?" While gathering his things. I nod and hum a yes. "Cool," He takes my hand and we walk out the dorm, to the underground parking where two black cars are parked.

Yeonjun, me, and Beomgyu ride in one car while Soobin, Taehyun, and Huening Kai ride in the other.

"I'm so excited you're coming with today!" Beomgyu exclaims, grabbing my hand and shaking it around. I chuckle at his silliness. "Yah, only I'm allowed to hold her hands," Yeonjun says, looking over at Beomgyu with half seriousness and half joking.

(wtf that makes no sense)

Beomgyu immediately drops my hand and puts his hands in a praying sign.

"I'm SO sorry," He says. I laugh at them both and shake my head.


A few minutes later, we arrived at the HYBE building and went inside, making our way to the studio the boys would be practicing in.

I looked around as we walked, admiring the building, noticing a few familiar things from watching v-lives and stuff.

I might have been hallucinating, but I'm almost sure I saw seven boys walking down a passage, one of them talking about how they can't wait for lunch.

We're already at the door of the practice room and we all go inside.

Yeonjun looks around before saying to me, "I'll fetch you a chair." I softly grab his wrist and say, "It's okay, I'll sit on the floor in the front."

"Okay. Are you sure?" He asks and I nod.

"We need to work hard today guys, we have an audience," Beomgyu says enthusiastically while pointing at me. I smile at each of them, which they all return, except for Taehyun. I don't think he likes me that much.

"Right, let's start!" Soobin says. They all get into the beginning formation of a song I've never heard before. Music soon starts playing and they start to dance.

The song had a rock vibe to it, and I really liked it.

"I'm a loser, I'm a loser," I heard Yeonjun sing. His voice was amazing. All of their voices were.


The song had come to an end and I applauded the boys. "That was awesome! Is it a new song?" I ask.

"Yep! It's going to be in our newest album, The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape," Soobin tells me. "Ah," I nod.

They danced to a few more of their songs and I sang along to some of them.


After the dance practice, the boys went and did their own thing. Yeonjun took me to get some food as it was lunch time and we were both hungry.

After getting our food we sat down at a table in the Hybe building. "I never thought I'd be sitting here," I start, "Especially not with you."

Yeonjun smiles at me and reaches over the table taking my hand. "I'm glad I met you Y/n. Really, this might sound cheesy but I've never met anyone like you," He complimented me.

"Can I say something?" I ask. "Of course."

"I sometimes feel like you might think I'm with you just because you're famous," I tell him. "I never think that way. I know you're my girlfriend because you genuinely have feelings for me," He says, "Unless..."

"Oh I definitely have feelings for you. Yes, I acknowledge that you're famous, but it's not the reason for loving you. Your personality is," I say. And his insanely good looking face, but anyways.


The boys didn't have much to do today, so we left earlier, at 5:30pm.

When we got back to the dorm, Yeonjun pulled me with him to his bedroom and onto the bed. "I'm so tired, let's cuddle," He says, pulling me close.

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