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Yeonjun POV

It's been a week since I found out Y/n had lied to me. I haven't spoken to her ever since, and I've taken some time to think about things. Things like if I really want to be with her, and if I'll be able to forgive her for what she did.

I'm sitting eating breakfast on a Tuesday morning in the dorm. Taehyun is sitting with me.

"So, what's going on with you and that girl?" Taehyun asks. He was never really interested in what was going on with me and Y/n as much as the other members were, which is why I was surprised he was asking me about her.

"I found out that she's actually a fan of us, and she was lying to me this whole time," I tell him. He shakes his head, "I knew there was something odd about her."

"But I kinda understand why she lied to me," I start. "Are you defending her after all that?" He asks in disbelief, scoffing as he continues to eat his breakfast. "No, but why do you have so much against her?" I ask.

"Yeonjun, she lied to you. What if she was a stalker, or a bad person with bad intentions?"

"She isn't though, she's a normal girl who lied to me to help me out. And- And I have genuine feelings for her. She even said that she started to think of me as more of a friend than as an idol," I explain. I basically answered the question I've been asking myself.

"Alright, so then what are you doing sitting here? If you still have feelings for her and you're willing to forgive her, then you need to go to her Hyung," Taehyun says. He's right. I need to go to her and we need to talk things out.

"You're right. I'm packing right now. Find me the soonest flight please Taehyun."

I go to my room and start packing clothes, while Taehyun looks for flights.



It's a Tuesday morning and I'm eating breakfast at the kitchen counter with Daeun.

"I don't know what I'm going to do," I say, as I stuff my face with mango. "Y/n, listen to me real quick." I look up at her. "If you really love Yeonjun, you're gonna pack your bags right now and fly to Seoul. And you're gonna go to him and tell him how much you love him," Daeun says, hyping me up lowkey.

"You're right, I need to go to him, find me the soonest flight," I say. I'm not even going to bother taking any clothes with. I just need to talk to him.


Daeun had found me a flight and booked it. I had just arrived at the airport and sat down, waiting for the plane. It was currently 10:30am and the plane was flying out at 11:00am, so I had half an hour to wait.


Yeonjun POV

Taehyun had found me a flight and booked it. I was currently sitting on the plane that would arrive in Busan at around 11:00am. My manager was with me, I had to beg him to let me go to Busan.

It was currently 10:45 and we were almost there.


Cool, so we've arrived in Busan and it's 11:56. I get off and walk to where the luggage is. On my way there, I look around and notice something.

Wait, is that...


What's she doing at the airport?

My mind completely forgets about my luggage and I run towards her. She's walking towards the plane I suppose to board it. "Y/n!" I shout, making her stop and turn around. She stands there in awe, her eyes sparkling like a child who hasn't seen their dad in months because he's been in the military.

I reach her and give her the biggest hug I possibly can. "I'm sorry for leaving," I say, running my hand along her hair. "No...I'm sorry for lying to you," She says, starting to cry.

"Y-Yeonjun...I just want you to know that I want to be with you, not because you're famous but because I've fallen in love with you, and that I'm really sorry about everything," She says between sobs.

"I know, I know," I say softly, rubbing her back. I start to tear up too. This girl makes me so soft.

"I love you Y/n."

"I love you too."

I leave the hug and push her hair behind her ears, before giving her a kiss.

(the people at the airport 👁👄👁)

We kiss for a good 2 minutes before pulling away.

"You wanna go get ice cream somewhere?" I ask. "Yes!"


Yay, we're back to normal and eating ice cream while walking around a park.

"Now that we're together, and that we've been exposed, we're going to have to explain things to the public, and the fans," I say. "Yeah, it's such a mess," Y/n says.

"It's not that bad. If they're really truly a MOA, they'll understand and support our relationship," I tell her. She nods and smiles, "I hope so."

"Daeun obviously knows about you now," Y/n says, laughing a little. "Oh, right. I mean we are all over the internet currently."

"Yep. You know you're her bias, so she must have been super shocked when she found out," She says. I laugh. "I guess now that she knows, I can go with to your apartment and you can introduce me to her, that's as long as she promises to not share any information about me and so on," I say.

"Cool, she's going to probably faint when she sees you again," Y/n says chuckling.

"We'll just have to worry about that when we get there," I say and laugh with her.

We finished our ice creams and drove to Y/n's apartment. Obviously I insisted on driving and this time Y/n didn't object.

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