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We made it home after a few minutes and I opened the front door with Yeonjun standing behind me, hoping that when we walked in Daeun wouldn't freak out too much.

"Daeun, I'm back," I call out. She comes from the kitchen and freezes as she sees us walk in.

"H-heyy," She stutters. "Daeun...I'd like you to meet my boyfriend," I say, bringing Yeonjun to stand next to me. She stands still and I can tell she's about to pass out. Or not?

"Pleasure to meet you," She says quickly, bowing. "Same to you," Yeonjun says with a small smile. "I'm Yeon-"

"I know who you are," She laughs awkwardly. Yeonjun rubs the back of his neck. Things have just gotten a lot more awkward.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud!" Daeun exclaims, facing her head down in embarrassment. "It's alright," Yeonjun says. "I'm Daeun, by the way."

He nods and smiles back awkwardly.

"Anyways! Yeonjun why don't you go put your suitcase in my room," I suggest. "Alright," He says and goes off with his luggage.

"I'm surprised you didn't faint this time," I say. "I-I didn't want to cause a scene. But Im still finding it hard to breathe right now."

I chuckle, "You'll be fine, just don't do anything weird okay?" She nods.

Yeonjun comes back and the awkward silence returns.




"We should hangout somewhere," Yeonjun chimes. "Yeah, that sounds nice. I can invite Felix too," I say.

"Where will we hangout though?" Daeun asks.

I look up to the ceiling and think of possible places.

"I have a great idea!" I exclaim after something comes to mind. "What is it?" Yeonjun asks.

"There's this secluded mountain area that has an amazing view of Busan, we could go there tonight," I say. "That'll be cool, I've never seen a view of Busan before," Yeonjun states.

"Alright then, I'll ask Felix if he wants to come."


It was currently 7:34pm and there was a knock at the door, which was Felix. "Hey Lix, come in," I say. He comes inside and sees Daeun. "Hey Daeun."

"Two famous kpop idols in one room, I might actually faint now," She says. He rolls his eyes and looks behind me, realizing that there's someone else. "Yeonjun, right?"

"Yep, nice to meet you," He says and they do that bro hug thing. "Nice to meet you to."

"Right, ready to go?" I ask, looking at the boys who seem to already be getting along well. They both nod and we make our way out, me being the last person out to lock up.

Felix and Yeonjun walk ahead of us to the car and Daeun and I behind them.

"Seems like they're getting along nicely," Daeun whispers. I smile and let out a relieved sigh.

Daeun POV

"I'll drive," Yeonjun says as we get to the car. "Babe, you don't even know how to get there. Let me drive?" Y/n says but it turns into a question.

"I'll just use GPS, it's all good," He says. "That's too much trouble, I'll just drive."

They go back and forth like this for the next five minutes.

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