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The next few days consisted of eating takeout and sight-seeing. Daeun and I explored some parts of Seoul. We still had half a week left of this vacation and the concert was this afternoon.

We were currently in the hotel getting ready to leave. Thankfully, we didn't need to arrive super early since we had soundcheck tickets and there was a separate line for that.

"Alright, I have everything. My phone is fully charged. I've got my light stick. Oh, speaking of, where's yours?" Daeun asks after going over a list of everything she needs.

"I- forgot it back home," I lie. I don't think showing up to their concert with a light stick would be a smart idea because Yeonjun might see and then he'll wonder why I have a light stick if I'm not even a fan and- Let me stop.

We double check we have everything before leaving the hotel room and making our way to the stadium.


Yeonjun POV

We arrived at the arena a few hours before the concert started so that we could practice and also for the fans who got soundcheck.

"So Yeonjun, you're seeing your girlfriend today right?" Taehyun asks. "She's not my girlfriend," I say. Ever since they found out about Y/n they've been teasing me about her all the time. "But yes, she is coming. I think."

"If you see her, you should point to her so we can all see what she looks like. Since only Beomgyu has met her," Soobin says. "Um, sure?" I say.

"Can we just go through our songs please?" Taehyun asks, rolling his eyes. "Yes, that's a fantastic idea Taehyun. Let's stop talking about girls and practice," I say in an annoyed tone.


It was eventually time for soundcheck which would take around 20 minutes, and then for the actual concert.

The few fans that had soundcheck started arriving and I was keeping my eye out for Y/n. "Don't forget to show us," Huening Kai whispers, letting out a giggle. Aish. This kid.

I turn my attention back to the audience to see if she's here yet.

And then I see her. I think it's her. We're standing kind of far away so it's a little hard to tell.

Anyways, it was our cue to go onto stage so we walked out and waved to all the fans there. "Hello everyone!" Soobin shouts. We did a quick introduction and then Soobin said a few more things which I hadn't heard because I had spotted her.

I look over to Huening Kai, who's standing next to me and whisper, "I found Y/n."

I didn't want to risk pointing at her in case someone saw, so I just raised my hand up a little and pointed at her. Huening Kai took a good look at her before whispering back, "Your girlfriend's quite pretty Hyung. "Hey, stop whispering to each other," Taehyun says, who's standing on the other side of me.

We did our whole soundcheck thing, and the whole time my eyes couldn't help but move towards Y/n. I tried my hardest not to look at her, but I've realized how pretty she actually is.

She smiled at me and my heart melted. Wait, what? What am I saying?

'Focus Yeonjun,' I think to myself.

Soundcheck finished and we went backstage to get ready for the actual concert.

"What were you and Huening Kai whispering about the whole time?" Soobin approaches me with an angry look on his face. "I just showed him who Y/n is," I tell him. "You shouldn't be focusing on that now Yeonjun," He says.

"Sorry. It won't happen again," I say.



"Hey dude, it looked like Yeonjun was pointing at us!" Daeun exclaims before letting out a screech.

"You're imagining things," I say, even though I also saw him point in our direction. "I don't think so. I really think he was saying something to Huening Kai about us," She says.

"Are you even hearing yourself? They were probably having a conversation about something completely different Daeun," I say, trying to get her to drop the subject. "Whatever, but I know he was pointing at us.

I left it and didn't say anything else, waiting for the concert to start.


The concert soon began and everyone in the stadium was shouting and cheering and screaming. Daeun was screaming very loudly, specifically saying stuff like, "YEONJUN I LOVE YOU!"



Which brought his attention toward us. Great Daeun. That's just great.

He looks at her and winks, which for some reason made my face twitch. I wasn't jealous or anything, no. Why would I be anyway? Right?

Yeonjun's little act of flirtation made Daeun scream even louder. At least he didn't notice me next to her. Are you implying that him seeing you with Daeun would be a problem Y/n? Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying.

If he sees I'm at the concert with someone who's a fan, he might get suspicious of me. Or am I just being paranoid?


Lord have mercy.

Yeonjun just looked at me. But he didn't just look at me. He licked his lips. And then. And then. And then he smirked. At me. And don't even think of telling me he probably wasn't looking at me blah blah. Oh he was. He definitely was.

Trying my hardest not to blush, I waved at him with a friendly smile.

If that wasn't enough to make me dizzy for the rest of the night, Huening Kai was standing on stage in front of the section I was in. He looked at me too, and smiled. Yeonjun must've pointed me out, and that's why he was pointing at Daeun and I earlier.


The concert had eventually, and unfortunately come to an end. It was really fun, and I had a pretty good time. Daeun did too. I think she really used up all the energy she had just from cheering and jumping around all night.

As soon as we got back to the hotel, she fell onto the bed and dozed off.


I wasn't very tired yet, so I stayed up for a little longer just chilling on my phone. That was until I heard a knock on the door.

I quickly check the time- 10:00pm

A bit late to be knocking but okay. I stand up and walk towards the door, opening it slightly.

I see a familiar face and open the door wider.

"Yeonjun, what are you doing here?" I ask softly, trying not to wake Daeun. "Wanna take a walk?"

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