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Yeonjun POV

"You kissed her?!" Taehyun raises his voice in shock. I shouldn't have told them.

You see, when I got back to my hotel room the four other boys were in there after Beomgyu had told them I wasn't there.

They then kept persisting for me to tell them where I was. And that somehow led to me telling them all that I kissed Y/n. "Aww, Hyung that's so adorable!" Beomgyu states.

Here we go.

"Yeonjun, you know you can get in a lot of trouble for what you did right?" Soobin says. I sigh and nod, "Yes, I know. But what our company doesn't know can't hurt them, right?"

"Still, they could easily find out about Y/n, and they're probably already suspicious since they know you two are friends," He tells me.

In our company we aren't really allowed to date, which is why kissing Y/n was a big risk, but I really like her, so I was willing to take that risk. "Maybe it's best if you stop seeing her," Taehyun says.

There's no way I'm doing that.

"Alright, we can talk about this another time, I want to sleep now. So can you please all leave?"

They all scamper out, leaving just Beomgyu and I in our room. I get dressed into a hoodie and sweatpants and lie down on the bed, covering myself with the blankets.

"Hey Yeonjun," Beomgyu calls softly. "Yeah?"

"You must really like Y/n to be taking such a risk," He says. "It wasn't that risky," I say. "But yeah, I do like her a lot."

He smiles, "Just letting you know, I fully support you two. I think you're so cute together, well, from what I saw that night she passed out."

"Thanks, but the others are right. Maybe it's best if nothing else happens between us," I say. "No! You can't just let her slip away," Beomgyu says, trying to knock sense into me, by literally flicking my forehead.

I chuckle before saying, "Aish, Beomgyu. Let's just go to bed. We need to be well rested for the rest of this week." He nods and says goodnight. I turn off the lights and we both go to sleep.

Our time of touring in Seoul has almost come to an end, and we only have three more concerts here, before moving on to the next city.



I wake up the next morning with the birds chirping and the sun shining through the small gap in the curtains.

It was our last day in Seoul, before we'd have to go back to Busan and attend college like usual.

I forgot to tell Yeonjun we'd be leaving tomorrow, so I planned on doing that tonight after his concert.

"Good morning!" Daeun says enthusiastically. "You sound very happy for someone who's leaving Seoul today, especially because you're Daeun," I say. "Oh, I'm sad to be leaving, but I just feel good today, I don't know why," She tells me.

"So, what should we do for our last day here? We have to make it count," I say. "Hmm," She takes a moment to think of something before saying, "How about we go shopping and get some nice clothes," She suggests, "And then go to a restaurant for dinner."

I agreed to her idea and then we both got dressed and ready to leave.


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