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Blood gushed everywhere as I fell to the floor slowly loosing consciousness. All I heard was the loud echo of Takemichi's voice calling out to me and I saw Draken and Emma looking at me with worried faces at both sides if me. What exactly happened? Oh, now I remember.

Few minutes earlier.....
Kiyomasa was about to stab Draken and I wouldn't be able to stop him in time. I ran as fast as I could. Without thinking, I jumped infront of Draken and I immediately got stabbed in the stomach. "Draken are you ok?"
"I should be asking you that y/n, you were the one stabbed!" As I fell to the floor putting pressure on the stab wound, I saw Draken beating the living daylight out of Kiyomasa. Emma came beside to check how bad it was and I heard Takemichi shouting for Draken.

Draken finished punching Kiyomasa and quickly came by me and Emma. Draken told her to call an ambulance. "I already did. Y/n-chan, hang in there."

Present time

When Mitchi arrived by us, I couldn't see clearly but I'm pretty sure he looked worried. He then began shouting my name telling me to don't pass out. Draken got up and protected Emma and I from any Moebius members who tried attacking us and Emma was holding my hand. "Y/n don't sleep away, keep your eyes open" I heard Takemichi shouting. He's so loud, and I'm tired, I can't help but sleep.

"I'm tired" I whispered out. Takemichi grabbed my shoulder and shook it lightly to wake me up. "Hey don't shake her. Do you want her to loose more blood and die?!" Emma shouted at him. As I began falling asleep, I felt Emma's hand shaking and gripping tighter onto mine. Soon, everything went dark.

Next thing I know, I woke up still on the floor with Emma and Takemichi at the sides of me. I felt much weaker, like I'd die any second. Soon, Emma called over the ambulance and they said they were near. Emma told Draken and he ran toward me and Takemichi helped him put me on his back. Emma was still on the phone with the ambulance.

Wow, I definitely changed the storyline now, I thought as they raised me up. From what I heard, the ambulance was not to far from here and soon, we heard sirenes. All the people fighting also heard it and just like that, they all began running to their motorbikes and getting the hell out of there. The only people who remained were Mikey, Draken, Emma, Takemichi, Mitsuya and the rest of the captains and vice-captains for idk what reason because I'm not that close to them as yet but I ain't complaining. Who said I still can't adore them even at deaths door.

When the ambulance arrived, Takemichi went on the ambulance with me. Emma went on the bike with Mikey, Draken went with Mitsuya and the rest of the people remaining rode behind the ambulance all the way to the hospital.

While on the way, they had the oxygen mask over my face but I was still having trouble breathing. It was getting worse every second. "H-Hey Takemichi," I decided to tell him about the rest of the story incase I don't make it because I can feel my life slipping away, " Tell Baji to don't go in Valhalla. Tell him u want to help take down Kisaki to. If that doesn't work-". "Don't talk as if you are about to die Y/n. You can tell me everything when you get better, so u better not die." "Heh, don't cut me off when I'm talking bro, but ok, I'll tell you if I don't happen to die, but if I do die, tell all the Toman captains and vice captains I love them along with Kazutora and Izana who u will meet along the way."

"I'm not gonna tell them that," "It was worth a try." I smiled before slowly passing out and hearing the shouts of Takemichi and the sounds of the other people shouting, "She's going into cardiac arrest! Start CPR." I guess this world was nice while it lasted,  I wonder if I will go back to my world now.

Takemichi POV
"She's going into cardiac arrest! Start CPR."
I cant believe this is happening. If only I was there earlier, I could have probably save her. "We're loosing her!" Come on Y/n, stay alive, you promised you'd help me save everyone, you cant die.

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