3rd Special

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This is a special that happen on one of their free days or something after the Shiba siblings thing.

"Mikey-kun how the heck can you jump so high?!!" Currently, Mikey is teaching me how to fight better. After that pathetic display against Taiju, I want to know how to do Mikey's kick or at least something close to it. I asked Mikey to help me and he agreed. We've been practicing for the past hour and I think I'm getting it.

"Y/n put more force in your leg and if that isn't working,  just imagine that your target is someone you really hate." "My target, hmm, Tetta Kisaki." We even got a whole punching, well kicking bag to use, because no one wanted to be a testing dummy. "Perfect Y/n. Well, i am a very good teacher after all." "Says the one who was just shouting at me and spending out my money on Dorayaki." "But you got it didn't you. Plus, you said I get unlimited Dorayaki if I teach you." "Well I didn't think you'd buy all at once. U basically bought out the whole store of their Dorayaki." "Less talking more kicking."

"This little-" "You say something" "Nope~". I practiced for a few more hours until I couldn't anymore. I dropped on the floor and looked at the sky. "Are you alive? I can't afford to loose a Captain." "No, I'm dead. I wish to be cremated. Tell Takemichi I was the one who ate his share of the pizza. *phone ringing*

"OH ITS ANGRY!" "I thought you were dead!?" "Shh... Heya, Angry. Hmmm ok, I'll be right there." "What's up, I thought we were spending the day together." "Wana come with then. He called as asked if I wanted to go ice skating with him and Smiley. They got a few free tickets." "Ok!" I went home to take a shower first and Mikey just waited in the kitchen eating his Dorayaki.

Arrival at ice skating park..
"Hi Angry, Smiley. You guys good. I brought along Mikey because I was spending the day with him." "Y/n!~" I ran up and greeted them and we went to the skating area. We all rented skates and went to the ice. There's one thing though,...."I DONT KNOW HOW TO SKATE" In my past world, I never really had these kinds of interest. And now here I am, on the freezing ice contemplating life.

"Y/n, why didn't you tell us you couldn't skate?" "I thought it'd be easy, but I guess I was wrong." I said while looking at the ceiling(Note: they are in an indoor ice skating ring). "Wait I wasn't expecting you guys to be this good at it either!. What the heck, Mikey you to?!!" "Come on, we'll teach you."-Angry. I raised my hands up to get help to get up and Smiley pulled me up and stopped me from falling again. "Well this is embarrassing."

"Come on Y/n-chan~ it's really easy~" Mikey shouted as he skate pass us and did a friking jump. "Stop being good at everything you do!" Well on the plus side, the skating ring was pretty empty. Just us four and a couple. Oh wait, they left. Well, then it's just the four of us so I can fall how much times I want.

Angry and Smiley each went to the side of me and I held on to their hands. I was actually getting it. "Hey guys I'm getting it!!" "In that case." Mikey said before he ran in and grabbed both my hands and started skating super fast and pulling me along. "I SAID I WAS GETTING IT MIKEY, WOAH,..... I DIDNT SAY I GOT IT!! I'M GONNA FALL!" "You won't~" "If I fall, I'm falling on you." "You won't fall~"

As if..- my thoughts were cut off by me loosing balance and almost falling. Oh well, this was a nice life while it lasted. Shinichiro, I'll soon be with you. As I was about to drop, Mikey pulled me back up. "See~, I said you won't fall~" I have come to the conclusion that Mikey may be a little crazy. We then stopped when we arrived back at the twins.

"Hey, let try something since I get the hang of skating a little." I said as I skated between the twins and grabbed their hands. "Hold Mikey's hand with both of your hands that are free...... Ok, nice." I said as I pulled them to the middle. "We're gonna spin in a circle while holding hands and see who drops or makes everyone fall. Then that person and the two others who fall will have to listen to what the last person standing has to stay." "Well, what if we all fall at the same time." "Well Angry, we'll see about that part if it happens."

It happened. We were all going so good, but then we started getting dizzy and eventually, we tripped and fell at the same time. "Well, then I guess we call all draw names and we can order that person." We got a piece of paper and a pen from the nice lady at the front desk and this is how it went...

Mikey- Y/n
Y/n- Angry
Smiley- Mikey
Angry - Smiley

Hell yea..I may or may not have cheated for mine. BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER. What matters is, I get to tell that ANGEL to do something. Smiley ordered Mikey to spin until he drops. While Mikey was skating, Angry told Smiley to go spin with Mikey. I waited for both of them to drop then to ask mine. "Ok Angry... you.... have.... to .... give me a kiss on the cheek." Omg he looks flustered. He doesn't look Angry!.He came up to me and placed a kiss on my face cheek.

It was like flower petals. He is so frigging adorable oh my god. "Y/n~ my turn. You have to.." I'm kinda scared for Mikey's one. Is he gonna make me race him-. "Give me a kiss on the lip. "..." "..." "..."  "Well I guess that's all for today. I think I fell down way to much times."

"Y/N-CHAN YOU CANT BE SO UNFAIR!!" "Thank you for the skates miss"-Y/n to the lady at front desk. "DON'T IGNORE ME." I gotta run. I mean, I love him and all. But still, that's awkward. I made it outside with Smiley and Angry but why is the place so quiet all of a sudden. There is literally no one outside. "Did the zombie apocalypse happen or something?" Oh shit, now I get it. I'm in a friking dream...

"Well, in that case, screw it." I walked back to Mikey, grabbed his face and gave him a kiss on his lips. "There... done. That's a nice dream."

Mikey Pov
Nice indeed

Angry and Smiley POV

Mitsuya POV
Why am I always in situations like this...
"What the heck man!"-Baji "I'm loosing"-Chifuyu. "Its all Mikey's fault."-Kazutora. "..."-Sanzu, Koko and Inui. "Huh, I guess it's him she chose. Right Draken-kun?" "Wrong time Emma."

Hanma in the Distance..

Oh my god, I feel like people are watching me again, creepy~.  "Anyways, imma head home now.. bye guys."

I wrote this because, well, I don't wana end this story. Imma cry when it ends and even though I already wrote the ending, I'm thinking bout trashing it and making a different end so that there can be more chapters. I'm not sure yet Skittles.  What do you guys think.

Byee Skittles

Word count:

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