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After that hectic morning and getting scolded by Hina for being late, I just continued on my day as normal. That's a lie. The whole day was spent coming up with ideas for Bloody Halloween. Paper being ripped out from my book because of useless ideas and pencil shavings everywhere. I know that today Chifuyu and Takemichi will be going to meet with Osanai, when really it was supposed to be yesterday. I already told Takemichi what he will say though but they still wanted to go, while I was stuck, coming up with a plan and getting scolded by Hina for making a mess of my surroundings.

Days past...
It was now evening and I just left school. Takemichi went back to the future to talk to Naoto and see Draken after texting me. I told him to go back and ask Naoto if there is anything about me in the future and to make sure Draken is ok. While finding out other information. And when he comes back tomorrow, that is when we go with Chifuyu to talk to Baji about a plan in order to save him. I don't know exactly how I'm going to tell him. Like what am I supposed to say, "Hi Baji, you're gonna die in the fight between Toman and Valhalla by getting stabbed by Kazutora, but that isn't when you're gonna die, you're going to die in the arms of Chifuyu after stabbing yourself and saying it wasn't Kazu's fault? I DON'T THINK SO!" 

"Um, Y/n-chan, are you alright." Ack, I completely forgot I went to study with Hina. But it looks like she walked in when I said 'I don't think so'. "Ah yes I'm fine, just worried about school" "That's why you must study. Come on take out your books, it's going to be a long night Y/n-chan so I think you should get something to eat before we start studying." Oh no. Why did I agree to study T-T.

I went to their kitchen to get food real quick and saw a familiar adorable little child standing before me. "Hey Naoto, u good." I think he fears me because I always bother him. Just last time I came over I was only harassing him because he's to damn cute and my 'bother a child' instincts were tingling.

"Hi Y/n-chan." He said before running away to his bedroom. "You can run but you can't hide Naoto." I joked before going back to Hina's room.

Takemichi POV
I'm now in the future and I just woke up. I see Naoto and the first thing I remember is Y/n telling me to check in with him about her. "Um Naoto, do you by any chance got anything on Y/n." He had a scared look printed on his face when he said, "I keep getting flashes of this girl bullying me when I was younger, taking my snacks and putting it in high places so I won't reach them and only giving it back when she leaves but sometimes she doesn't even remember to give me it back-"

"Naoto, snap out of it, is there anything on her that will help us?" "As I just said, I'm only getting flashes of her. For some reason, I don't see her existence anywhere. No matter how much I search for her, there's nothing. I only remember her from my memories................oh, I just got another one where she's telling me I can run but can't hide,....SCARYYYY"

So if she's no where in the future, what does that mean. We decided to go meet up with Draken who was still on death row. "Hi Draken-kun." We talked for a while before I decided to ask. "By any chance, do you know a Y/n L/n from twelve years ago." As I said her name, he had a shocked expression on his face. "I-I thought she was just a part of my imagination. She was real!?!. So did she save me from being stabbed twelve years ago?!" What, why does he look so shocked. And he seems to only be remembering her from flashes from the past to. What the hell is going on Y/n. "Yea, she's the one. Do you know what happened to her?" "I can only remember having some sleepover at your place twelve years back and everything before like the beach and her being 3rd Division and saving me from being stabbed, but nothing after."

Huhh, that's the same with Naoto. Something is definitely wrong, and I gotta go tell Y/n now. "Thank you Draken-kun. Naoto, we gotta go,... Now!" We left and went back to Naoto's home office. We decided I should stay till morning so that I can build back some strength in my body from laying down for so long.

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