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"Screw you Kisaki"

3rd person POV
After Y/n got knocked out once more, Hanma and Kisaki took her away from where Chifuyu was at.

Hanma POV
Hmm, I think she is uncomfortable how I'm holding her right now(the potato sack holding way) I stopped walking for a bit and put her on my back. Her head laying over one of my shoulder and both her hands ploped over the sides(piggy back ride except Y/n not holding on cuz well, she knocked out). She's probably freezing to. Well, it is snowing alot.

"So, hey. We planned to fuck 'em over all along right? (Hanma actual words, not mine), So why'd we work together with 'em?" "Because it's fun." "Bwaha~"
"But, you know. Y/n-chan is most likely going to get us kicked out of Toman when she wakes up." "She won't do it." "How are you so sure." "I just know" Kisaki said as he looked at her and brushed some hair out of her face. If she was awake, she probably would have bitten his finger off.

"So what are we going to do to her?" "Just carry here somewhere for the time being until tomorrow. If she wakes up, just keep on knocking her out." "Where are you going?" "My work for today is done. I'm going home." And with that, Kisaki left. "Hmm~, where shall I take you." I started walking and got my bike. I put Y/n infront of me to make sure she didn't fall off and held her securely. Then I drove around thinking where to go.

My eyes started back opening and omg I'm freezing. I heard the sound of a bike. Wait, what happened. Oh now remember, Kisaki and Hanma knocked me out and separated me from Chifuyu. I felt Hanma behind me and realized we were on a bike. I peeked at my hands which were now untied and wrapped around his. I'm guessing so I don't fall. Where are you taking me Hanma Shuji. I faked sleeping until we got to the unknown destination.

We suddenly stopped and he got off picking me up in piggyback. It appeared we were on a mountain with so much snow. "How long were you awake for now?" "Since we were driving 5 minutes ago." "Ahhh~". I pushed myself off Hanma and jumped back. "Where are you taking me?" "Well follow me if you are so curious." "Are you secretly trying to kill me and then push me off that cliff over there." "No. Why is that thought even in your mind!? Just follow me." "No,...But I will take your bike and go back-" "Do you even know where we are?" Shit, I don't know the exact location.  I just know it's a mountain because I can see the houses and buildings down below. And the place is so dark. Wait WHERE IS MY PHONE!!!! "Looking for this?" "Give me back my phone Hanma." "Follow me first." "You gotta give me my phone. Then I'll come."

"Ok, if you come, I'll give you your phone." "Fine" I followed him and we went up higher in the mountain we were on. He wasn't riding his bike because the snow was thick and it only had a thin clear path. He was just pulling his bike along the clear trail. Soon, we arrived at some shack in the mountain. "Woww" "You like." "What is this place?!!"

(Somewhere like here but wayyyyy wayy less snow

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(Somewhere like here but wayyyyy wayy less snow.)

"It's some abandoned shack I found... so I stay here sometimes." "BUT ITS FREEZING!!" "Wana go inside." "As much as I would like to explore your house, I gotta go back to the fight. So take me back now or in running there. And give me my phone." "Fine~~, I'll tell you where you have to go, but you gotta promise to come back and visit here one day." "I'll come back when it's warmer." "Hmm, ok~..." he told me where I had to go. It wasn't even that far. We took so long to reach here because he was deciding where we should go.

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