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"Y/n-chan?, is everything ok?!" Mikey shouted and he, Inui and Izana came walking our way. "Yea, everything is fine. I just got dust in my eye when I dropped that Tenjiku member after I threatened him. He was with Kisaki and he tried attacking us. But, the problem was easily dodged and we're all alright."

*Cough cough*
"Well I'm glad you guys are alright." When he said that, I saw Izana turn around and walk away angrily. So he was planning to have Emma killed after all. And I thought I got through to him. I guess not. *cough, cough, cough.* "You want water. You're coughing alot Y/n." "Nah, I'm fine- *continuous coughing.* "You don't look fine. Do you want to go to the hospital?"-Inui.

"Nah I'm-" *cough* !What the hell?!!. Why is there blood on my hand where I coughed. I wiped it on my (black) pants. "I'm fine~. Besides, we gotta get ready for the fight later-" "Y/n? Y/N!!" Why the heck are you guys shouting. Huh, am I falling down right now. What's happening? "Y/N!"

What the hell. I opened my eyes and I couldn't see anything. Everything was pitch black. "Did I die?" "Nope~" "Not yet at least~...." "Oh crap, you guys again. Am I dying?" "Who knows~" "YOU!!.BECAUSE YOU'RE ALWAYS SAYING I'M GONNA DIE, YA FAWK." "Oh, that is right. But, we don't know what's happening this time." "Tch, I think,.....her body may be permanently adjusting to this world, what a pain." "What" I said in a soft tone. "Can I ask you something." "Hmm?" "How many of you guys are there and who are you??" "We are someone similar to you. It is 10 of us." "So 10 of y'all decide to bully a girl, nice." ,"We're doing it for a reason."

"Y/N!" There's that voice again. "Shit, not again." "So there was something last time calling my name. WHO IS IT?!!" "Enough of this,... WAKE UP". I opened my eyes and gasped for air as I got up. (Yk like when people have nightmare and spring up their top half of their body from the bed when the get up.) I was now sitting,... on a bed? Everything was still blurry. I had an ... oxygen mask on? "What the hell" "Guys she's up." I looked to the side and saw Hina and Emma on the side of the bed sitting on chairs. It was looking as if they now woke up.

Soon, I saw almost all of the Toman captains and Vice-captains burst through the curtains. "What the heck. What happened?" Im trying to remember what happened before I woke up, but it was so blurry. I looked at my hands and I had those needle thing attached to a tube..ummm, an IV. I looked up and saw a bunch of worried expressions. "What happened?!"

Before Y/n passed out
Mikey POV
Y/n is coughing way to much, is she ok. I should ask her if she wants to go to the hospital. Before I can ask, I see her cough out blood onto her hand. What the hell. She continued to talk but then started to fall. "Y/N!!" I ran up and caught her. When she passed out, there was blood coming out from her nose to. "Y/n-chan!!!"-Emma, Takemichi and Inui. "I'll call an ambulance!"-Emma. "That'll take to long. Help her onto my back... Hurry!!"-Inui. I put Y/n on his back and we all ran to the hospital and arrived in no time.

As soon as we arrived, Emma called everyone else and they all rushed over. Y/n was taken to the operating room and she stabilized but they didn't know what was wrong with her. The said it was probably stress. About 5 hours passed and she was still unconscious. On top of that, we have the fight later, but I can care less about that. I just want her to wake up.

Still Mikey POV
"Guys, she's up." As soon as I heard Emma shouted that, I swung the curtain open and we all lined up in front of the bed. Everyone had a worried expression on their face.

"Y/n, you don't remember?"-Inui. "?No?" "You were coughing alot then you coughed up blood and passed out not to long after." As soon as he said that, I remembered. After I passed out, I met up with those annoying pests in my dreams. They said its because my body was trying to adjust to the world or something. "What about the fight, wait, how long was I asleep for. Is the fight over ?!?!!"

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