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"How are you liking our world so far?"
I turned to look at Takemichi, but he was already gone "Takemichi you snitch"

"You're from another world...right?"
"But whatever do you mean Chifuyu?"
"Y/n, Takemichi already told me." You better go in hiding for a few days Takemichi.  I wanted to have some cool reveal infront of all of them and u ruined one. T-T.

"Ok yes,.. but can we go somewhere quiet to talk." He nodded and we went to a 24 hour convenience store. It had some chairs at the side so we went there. I told him everything about me and how I want to save the characters who will die. And basically everything I told Takemichi. "So,.... in your world, I'm a character in an anime and manga. Ammm,.. is my character..... popular?"

"OFCOURSE!!" He got startled when I suddenly shouted. "Sorry,... ofcourse. You are probably one of the most popular. Like you're so adorable and more. And the future you is no joke. "So do you like me?" "Yesss I love you!" "Then Y/n-" "Ofcourse, I love all of you guys. And I was so depressed when Baji died. Thank God he's alive."

"Who's your favorite character?" "Well, that's a tough one. I can't really choose. I love you all..well,...except Kisaki... bleh." "But what about Draken and Takemichi?"
"Yea, I love them to, but they have their special someones who I also love... Anything else?" "Amm, when are you going to tell the rest of them?" "I'm not to sure yet. Probably when we save the future." "Oh ok,.. that's all."
"Well, if you wana ask me anything else, you can always call me, and I'll be there♡."

After talking to Chifuyu, we met back up with Takemichi and went to make the plan of attack with Kisaki and Hanma. We already accepted their proposal, so, now all to do was plan. We go there and there they were,... standing at the edge of a rail bridge. We made our plan. Afterward, was the awkward silence as everyone just stood far apart. "This is one crooked team."-K "Our goal's the only thing we got in common."-T "I can't fucking stand on you two."-C.

"What's our team name gonna be? C4U? The Hanmas? How about 'Team kill-em-all'?"
"I like 'team Y/n' but team..." Hanma and I just kept spouting team names while the rest of them looked at us annoyed.

Chifuyu POV
"Takemichi.." "Yea" "Remember how you were saying she loves everyone but Kisaki in this show, does she like Hanma to!?!" "I believe she does, but if it comes down to choosing sides, she'll definitely choose us. Because if it's one thing she would love. It's to see us all have the best future."  "But still, why does she like him." "Oh ho Chifuyu, are you jealous that she's talking to him the most." "NO!"

"Ok so we'll all meet up Christmas when the fight happens. So team 'Hanma, Y/n and followers' is a go." "What the hell kinda name is that?!"-C. "It's an amazing name. I didnt see any of you guys helping us."

The next day...
It was the next day and I didnt go to school. I had other priorities. So this is me today. By some lake I found, on the grass, looking at the sky. The rest of the days have been freezing because it'll snow pretty soon and today is probably the only day there is going to have hot sun until the snow melts.

Well that warmth of the sun didn't last. "Hey dude, get out of the way, you're blocking my sun." Wait, I know that scent. It's the smell of cigarettes and there is also a tall dude. "Hanma?" "Y/n-chan~. What are you doing here." "Skipping school and taking in the sun before snow comes.. you? Are you stalking me.. Naughty Naughty" "I'm just strolling and I thought  I saw a dead body on the grass." "Haha very funny."

He sat down next to me. How the heck is he still tall even when he's sitting. "*cough cough* hey, throw away that cigarette. It's bad for you." "No♡" "Do you know how many people died from smoking." "I don't know....how much?" "Alot." "That's not convincing."

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