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"I never expected Takemichi to pull that off."
"......But it won't end here"
"It could end here, Kisaki."
"Let's talk Kisaki Tetta."

"Oh Y/n-chan♡"
"L/n, what do you mean by 'it could end here'?"
"I mean, you can stop obsessing over you know what and just leave them all alone."
"You don't know anything."
"Really? Does the name Tachibana Hinata ring a bell. We can do this the easy way which is you giving up right now or the hard way where you die in the end."
"What about neither."
"Hina rejected your offer to be with you and one day Takemichi showed up and you believe he stole Hina away from you."
"Who are you?!!"

"To everyone here,... hmmm. I'm probably God not to sound stuck up or anything."
"What does that mean."
"It means, I know everything. From what you did before, example planning to kill Baji so you can grow closer to Mikey or even planning to kill Draken. But I wonder who stopped both.. hmm.."
"Which brings me back to my question,... who are you?"

"Should I tell you?, I don't think I should. I'll let you figure it out for yourself. But, if I see you give up and leave everyone alone, I may tell you."
"I've already come this far, I'm not going to give up that easily Y/N!"
"Ohh Kisaki,.. I thought you were smart. You could have just lied to me and you would have gotten your answer."
"You wouldn't have believed me anyway."

"But what can you do. So what if you know what I did in the past. I will get what I want."
"And you told me I was childish,... little boy. You know, I think that if someone rejects you, you should probably sob for a few days then get better after a few weeks. Not try to be the 'best delinquent in Japan' and only try to beat Takemichi...what are you,.. five."
"Takemichi this Takemichi that. Will you just shut up!" And with that, a gunshot was heard. The bullet grazed on the side of my cheek and a bit of blood poured out. "Why the frick do you always have guns Kisaki!" I shouted as I stood there holding the bullet graze I got.

"Woah, woah Kisaki, put down the gun. We don't want anyone dying today."
"Shut up Hanma. Why are you trying to help her, you work under me. Not her."
"Geez, I just didn't want to dispose of a body." Hanma said as he rubbed the back of his head and went to the back.

"If you think you know so much Y/n then I can just kill you here. That will just be one less barrier in my way."
"Fine, shoot me. As if you can actually do it though. You damn wuss." His hand was shaking but he wasn't putting the gun down. I can't show him I'm sacred though. Takemichi, I don't know how you can be so strong in situations like this, I seriously respect you.

"I don't even need to waste another bullet on you. If you think you'll win, go ahead and try bitch."
"I will win and you,.... well we'll leave it at that.☺.......see you at the next meeting Kisaki.(for the see you at next meeting part, she change from a happy tone to a dark tone.) I said as I walked away and went back to the bike I got from Draken and drove back home. (He had another one, not the one they gave Takemichi) I changed my mind, I'll let Mikey kick that rat out. I'll get a better idea.

I arrived at Takemichi's house and went inside. "Y/n-chan!  You're back! YOUR FACE IS BLEEDING!" "Oh, Takemichi, you still awake. Kisaki that ass, shot a bullet and it barely missed me. Bring the first aid please, I don't want it to get infected." "Oh ok" as Takemichi went to get the first aid, I started talking to him about my new plan. "We're gonna let Mikey kick Kisaki out." *sound of stuff falling* "You ok Takemichi?-" "BUT Y/N-CHAN, WOULDN'T THAT END EXACTLY LIKE HOW IT WAS IN THE ACTUAL STORY." "I have an idea." I said as I disinfected the cut and put a bandage over it. "I'm gonna try to find Izana and talk to him before. I might end up telling him I'm from another world in order for him to listen to me, and if I can get to him before Kisaki gets to him, then boom, we win."

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