Chapter 5

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(Apologies for the hiatus everyone, school's started and ive felt really mentally and physically drained lately. I've been sick a lot too and really just having bad writer's block. But!! I'm glad to present the next chapter :D for long time readers this is where some of the changes to my agents are really gonna show. Hope you enjoy!

It was when the rain calmed down Pearl realized she really wasn't so sure about this whole thing.

She trusted Marina of course. So much, and more than anything. But... Something about the idea of her wife going down there alone made her feel uneasy.

Maybe it was just the idea of how dangerous it was, or what could happen. Tartar may be dead but if she really is right, and there really are people still alive down there, even if it's just this one person, then the risks were still there, Tartar or not. Plus Pearl was well aware she could be pretty reckless herself, but when Marina was determined enough she tended to get in over her head.

But, she wanted to trust her. So despite her uneasiness, she would.

So when the rain had calmed down to a light drizzle, and all their equipment was loaded in the wagon, the group set out, Three pulling it out the door with Four holding onto her free hand, and Eight holding Four's.

Pearl fumbled with her rain jacket's sleeve, watching Marina grab the keys to the helicopter in the doorway. "And you're sure you know where to go?"

"Yes Pearlie, I have the location of where we picked up Eight saved, don't worry."

"And you really are sure you can fly the heli yourself? I can easily get one of the people we hired last time to-"

"Pearlie, dearie, I've flown it myself multiple times. I got this."

"Do you want me to grab you a better weapon than your Splatbrella? You know I-"

"Have more weapons than we know what to do with." Once the octoling had everything she bent down to kiss the squid on the top of her head, smiling softly down at her. "I'm well aware, just like you're well aware I'm gonna be fine with just the brella." There was no way Pearl could bring herself to argue more with those eyes staring at her, so instead she sighed. Crossing her arms and looking away.

"I just worry." She mumbled. "If anything happens to you down there.."

Suddenly arms were wrapped around her tightly, and very quickly she returned the hug, nuzzling into Marina's shoulder. "Just please stay safe 'Rina."

The taller girl gave one last squeeze before letting go. "I will. I promise. You just watch over the kids, ok? Make sure everything works and I'll be in and out before you know it." With one last smile and a squeeze to her hand, she gently nudged her towards out the door. "They're waiting for you. I'll call you as soon as I arrive ok?"

Trying to keep the hesitance out of her gaze, the Pygmy squid smiled back and nodded. "Got it. You got this baby!!" Quickly she grabbed the other and pulled her in for a kiss, before waving goodbye and running to catch up with the agents, eventually slowing her pace as not to slip on the muddy ground when she reached Three, who was already pretty far ahead. She could see Four was a bit soaked and for a second she wondered why until the smaller squid suddenly stomped into a puddle. Eight giggled.

"Four please be careful not to get the equipment wet."

Four shook her head. "I won't I won't!"

"That includes me." Three grumbled and, in response Four sighed again. "Sorry I'll stop." A little quieter and mumbly she added "Mom usually lets me splash them.."

"Well Marie's not here, and we got a mission!" Pearl chimed in, and Eight jumped a little, startled. Pearl laughed, watching her daughter calm down. "Sorry, probably should have announced I'm here now. Marina's gonna head off towards where we found Eight at Kamabo so we should be ready to contact her soon."

Three nodded, looking uncharacteristically hesitant. Four squeezed her hand again and the taller inkling sighed quietly. "I Uh, I don't know why you want me and Eight to do this still.. Marina knows how to actually work all of this and I know there's more down there than what me and Eight saw."

The Pygmy shook her head, moving a hand to pat Three on the back. "We'll figure it out! We always do." In all honesty? She wasn't completely sure herself. Her confidence was all an act right now. Marina knew how to hack the cameras and the systems, not Pearl. Marina was the one who got Eight's location and contacted Three to save her from the blender, not her. Once again she really wished she could be the one down there. But this was important to her wife. She remembered when they first met, how important her friends seemed to her. How she'd still catch her looking at the locket sometimes with a distant look of longing and grief. Marina had to be the one to find whoever was down there. She had to just put her faith in her to get that far.

The walk to the mountain was filled with Four's jokes, Eight's humming, and Three's occasional thoughts on whatever the conversation shifted to. By the time they were nearly all the way up the path that lead to the top, the rain had completely gone away and Pearl could pull her hood down and stare at the sight in front of her. A sight that felt nostalgic, comforting, yet anxiety inducing all the same given the situation. Three dropped the wagon handle. "Well. Time to uh, set up?" She glanced towards Pearl and the squid nodded with a grin. With how much they had to assembled and disassembled all this stuff in their time coming here to help Eight, she had this part down to a T at the very least.

Getting everything hooked up to portable chargers, connecting signals, and getting monitors to work took a good bit of time and effort, but the work was worth it when sitting on the wet grass, Pearl stared at the system fully set up and on, seeming to be working perfectly. Four took a seat next to her with Three sitting on the other side of Four, and Eight taking the other side of Pearl. "So this'll work?" The octo questioned, tilting her head. Pearl sucked in a breath and looked up, watching a helicopter fly through the still cloudy sky off into the distance.

"Gotta wait and see kiddo."

I don't know who you are.

But you're important to my Marina.

So we're gonna find you. Whoever you are.

Whatever it takes.

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