Chapter 3

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"Annnddddd I'm home!"

Marina greeted her wife with a hug as she carried the generator and the umbrella in. Once the two remembered why marina had left in the first place, pearl had ran off to get the generator instead so they could actually have the power to set things up in this thunderstorm. While Pearl ran off to get the power hooked up, Eight was already carrying their old equipment to the living room.

Marina took a seat on the couch, deciding to check in on three through text.

Hi! You nearly here? ^w^ <

> Yeah. Just grabbing Four.
Is it ok if she comes too?

Ofc!! Eight will be very happy to see her i'm sure :) <

Oh hey, do you think you could bring something that could be used to bring a lot of things somewhere else? <

> we could steal Marie's car

....Any other ideas? 😅 <

> Four owns a wagon. Would that work?

Perfect!! Tysm Three you're the best!! ;w; <

> still don't know what you even need me for but yw

Marina smiled and put her phone away, getting up to help eight carry the stuff out into the living room. It wasn't long before the lights flickered on. The two octolings looked up, eyes blinking rapidly to adjust to the light. Pearl ran into the room. "Got the power on yo!" She threw herself onto the couch, stretching a bit before staring at the equipment, raising an eyebrow. "Rina, you sure we need ALL of this?" Marina nodded, adding some power cords to the pile. "It helped us communicate with 8 better when she was down there!"

"Yeah and it was still faulty."

"Aww, but Pearlie-"

The octoling was cut off by the sound of knocking at the door. "I'll get it!" Eight yelled, skipping to the door. The girl gasped after opening it, throwing her arms into the air. "4! 3!"

Agent Three of the squidbeak splatoon stood in the doorway, wearing a rain jacket that was soaking wet. In her hand was a wagon handle, and in said wagon was Agent 4, holding an umbrella as to not get wet herself. In her arms was three's old zapfish plushie, that marina remembered eight mentioning she got it from captain cuttlefish.

Eight instantly grabbed three and pulled her into a hug, the taller inkling quickly hugging back before stepping inside, removing her rain jacket. Underneath she was wearing a white shirt and some dark blue leggings. Four, who was wearing overalls over a chirpy chips T-Shirt, hopped out of the wagon, placing the still open umbrella inside as she waved to the others. Three sighed and bent down to close the umbrella for her. "That's bad luck and you know it." Four only stuck her tongue out in response. Eight pulled the shorter inkling into a hug next, before taking a step back. "What brings you two here?"

Three shrugged, blue and green gaze trailing towards marina. "Marina asked me to come over and bring the wagon. That's all she'd tell me." Marina nodded, already beginning to grab the equipment and load it into the wagon. "Well, long story short, we're going back to the metro and kamabo co. You've been down in the areas Eight didn't have access to, so, you seemed like the best person to ask to help!"

Three just stared at her. Marina stared back, genuinely unable to tell what the girl was thinking. Four gave her hand a squeeze and three sighed in response. "I'd.. rather not go back down there. Why do you even want to go back to that place anyway?"

Marina figured Three might say that. She turned to look at Eight, who looked uncomfortable at the idea even being mentioned. She pulled the radio out of the equipment, and handed it to three. "Because I heard one of my old friends on this thing on mount nantai. And I refuse to just leave her there since there's a possibility she's alive and well!" Three shook her head, avoiding her gaze. "Marina, most of the test subjects down there are-"

"I know." She wrapped her arms around herself. "I know. But there's a chance. There's a chance that it was her. And I'd never forgive myself if I didn't at least go confirm it." Three stared at her for a few more seconds, then looked over at eight.

"You wouldn't have to go down there." Marina promised. "I just need someone who knows their way around the building."

"What do you mean?"

"Because I'm gonna go down there myself."

The whole room was silent, minus the sounds of rain against the windows and distant Thunder. Three shrugged. "Then, I guess I'll do my best. Eight, Four, are you guys gonna help?"

Eight quickly nodded, moving to stand to the right of three and grabbed her free hand. "Yes yes!! It might be nice to meet someone with the same experience as me. If Mom says they're nice, then I want to help!" Four threw her hand that wasn't holding onto three's in the air, grinning and nodding her head. The inkling gave the tiniest smile before nodding as well. "Sweet."

Pearl was frowning though, and quickly tapped Marina's shoulder. "Hey, hun, can we talk in the other room for a second?"

She gave her wife a curious glance and nodded. "Hey, can you three load the rest into the wagon? I don't plan to head out till this storm dies down so feel free to make yourself at home!" Three gave a thumbs up, Four sped off to the kitchen.

Marina followed pearl into their bedroom, sitting on the bed next to her. Pearl looked up at her. "Are you sure you wanna be the one to go down there? Eight went through hell to get up here. She nearly died so much, and three's straight up traumatized from whatever she saw down there along with the sanitazayzion, or whatever, thingy." The octo grabbed onto the squid's hands and nodded. "That's why I gotta be the one to do it. I don't want them dealing with all that again. Plus with them to guide me through I'm sure it'll be fine." Pearl didn't look convinced. She leaned against her and Marina wrapped her arms around her. "Should we ask Cal and Marie to help?" Marina quickly shook her head.

"No, they've spent their whole lives fighting the octarians. It'd be awkward for them and I rather not deal with that." Pearl sighed. "I could go down with you."

"I don't want you getting hurt."

"I don't want you getting hurt either."

Marina gave pearl a hug, before standing up and offering her hand. "Hun you gotta remember, I had my fair share of combat training underground. I can handle myself. I love you so much though, and I appreciate you trying to look out for me." Pearl smiled softly, standing up and taking her hand. "You're right mar. I'll try and not worry so much. Let's go make sure Four doesn't set our microwave on fire."

Marina giggled. "You say that like you haven't done the same 100 times."

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