.chapter 22.

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That is Katerina's date outfit and Leonardo has an all black suit on

Enjoy the chapter<33

Katerina's POV

I've been out shopping with Elena and Rose all day trying to find an outfit all day. After almost 5 hours of shopping i finally got an outfit for me and leonardo's date

"Katerina, You coming?" Elena called out from inside the car , I didn't even notice they were there already

"Yeah sorry i was daydreaming" i said as i laughed and got into the car

The car ride was pretty calm we were listening to music and talking about random things

"So yeah, You're gonna watch Nico for me tonight right?" i asked her just to be sure since I have never been away from nico during the night it was always during the day when i was at work and I would leave her with Alice so i was pretty nervous

"Yes yes katerina relax , I will take great care of her , I put that on the Family Code" elena said as she placed her hand on her chest, The family code

If the code was broken,The leader of the mafia at the time would bring a punishment to the person who broke it

I smiled and laid back in the seat as we kept driving home

-30 minutes later-

We've been home for over 2 hours and this whole time I have been getting ready. It was 7:30pm and the last thing I needed to do was my hair. I decided to flat iron my hair and curl the ends.

I was finishing up when i heard my phone ring, It was Mauricio calling, Why the hell is he calling me at 8pm, I put down my brush and picked up the phone

"Hello?" i said

"Katerina! Hey sis, how are you and Nico?" He said with a happy tone

"Oh we are doing good, Why?Is something wrong? You never call this late" I asked and at this point i was starting to get worried

"Oh no no, I am fine just checking up on you since i haven't called in a few weeks just checking up on you" He said as he laughed

"Oh thank you, I'm getting ready right now. Can I call you back in a few?" i asked

"Oh yeah yeah of course, Have fun on your date" he said but he said the end of the sentence too low so i couldn't hear him correctly

"It cut off, What did you say?" i asked him

"Oh sorry my connection is horrible, I say Have Fun" he said with a laugh

"Oh thank you, Goodnight I'll call you tomorrow" i said as i hanged up the phone and finished getting ready

-30 minutes later-

I was finally done and i was walking out of the bathroom as i saw Leonardo calling me

"Yes?" i said with a smile

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