.Chapter 5.

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Katerina's POV

fuck fuck fuck fuck , They saw the black eye but it was my fault I should've checked the mirror , dammit they are gonna know that something is going on.

I rushed into the backroom to find Abela and rushed over to her to ask her for some makeup to cover up my eye as she handed it to me I grabbed it and ran into the bathroom to fix it.

All it took was one look in the mirror before all of my tears came rushing down my face.

What the hell did I do to deserve this? Not only is he hurting me I actually had a child with that bastard and he doesn't show any emotions for either of us.

I cried for around 10 minutes before remembering the Group of men then I rushed to fix my makeup and rushed out of the backroom and up the stairs but by the time I got there nobody was there the table was empty there was just The money to pay for the coffees and nothing else , even the coffee mugs were there. I pushed all of that aside and kept working for the rest of my shift.

I waved to Alexandra and began to walk to Alice's House to tell her what happened, I made it to her house and as soon as I rang the doorbell she came rushing to pull me inside almost causing me to trip of Nicos Doll.

"Tell me every single thing" she Told.Around 40 minutes passed as I told her to story and finished all she did was Hug me and Cry when I finished telling her everything that I did.She was proud of me.I was proud of myself too,I did it.

I stayed at Alice's For a extra 3 hours before realizing the time and I Rushed to the hotel to get some sleep but As I reached my door at the hotel I noticed a tall figure standing at the door and I knew exactly who it was, Sebastian.I tried to runaway before he grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me to the door but as soon as he opened the door me,him and Nico were not the only people here, how do I know because there are 4 guns pointing directly at us.

Leonardo's POV

As soon as we got home all the boys and me went to the office to go check on what Elena Collected for us,As soon as we opened the door we found Elena playing with her knifes on my chair as she got up I looked back at the desk She really did it even I was impressed this time because I was only 20 minutes away and she did it but when I turned around I Looked at Mateo almost getting his vocal cords cut out by Elena I went to get her to calm down and escorted her out of the room while shutting the door and all we heard from the hallway was
"Count your days Mateo" Elena said as she laughed, She was incapable of hurting Mateo Because she this isn't the first time she almost slices his throat open.Sometimes Mateo is just too much.

I rubbed my temples and went to go plug the computer into the Smart board to show the men, Elena got everything from her Name to her Shoe size but as I was looking through the files I noticed something,She has a child a 1 year old named Nicolette Leones, I would've never thought that she was a mother I got insanely happy from this I may have the chance to become an actual father but the happiness didn't last long when I came across A name Sebastian Cortez , Nicolettes Abusive Father and Katerina's Abusive boyfriend and I'm guessing the 4 of them read it too because as soon as they read it they looked up at me with nothing but rage in their eyes as we Looked at the next slide we found out that she was staying at the Wateredge hotel so we all got up and made our way over to the hotel To go and get her.

When we arrived to the hotel we all went up to the room and opened the door as we looked around all of the clothes placed neatly in the drawers and the bed made nicely as of a maids had done it but I know that she did it herself.

We were not there long before we heard someone open the door and when My men saw who it was I guess pure rage took over as they raised their guns and pointed it straight to the mans head as the now 2 most important females in my life stood in the middle scared to death. I slowly got up from the bed as I grabbed Katerina and placed her on the bed then I turned around and placed my gun on his forehead and all i told him was
"go for a little walk with Alex and Mario because You have some explaining to do Sebastian" before I walked away a pulled Alex in and whispered in his ear "put him in the chambers I will deal with him soon".

I looked back and she was Still Clinging onto Nicolette and shaken with fear , I picked her and Nico up and put them into the car before driving back home, I have to say she is fighter because even with a baby in her arms she still managed to punch and kick all the way.

But as soon as we got into the car she was as silent and still as a statue

I'm really sorry mi amor (my love) but this will all makes sense to you soon but until then I will be here for you.

I promise you that

I promise that to you and to Nicolette , Just wait on it you will see.

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