15. Hand

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"Oh! Y/n!" as soon as they came, walking along with some bunch of students that had arrived upon the competition's venue, Y/n and Wonjin was immediately greeted by their homeroom teacher, but soon stop upon recognise the boy beside her.

"Waitㅡ what is the school's director son doing in here?" he asked, pointing upon the lad before staring on Y/n with confusion, brows knitted.

"Going with my girl?" Wonjin said, acting up a bit while he stretch his hand to reach upon Y/n's shoulder side, grabbing her close to him which caught her off guard before literally elbowing his stomach in response.

"Because he's stupid." she spoked sternly, escaping Wonjin's arm before walking pass the two. Their teacher could only raised a brow on Wonjin who just gave him a cheeky smile as he ran to follow Y/n.

Of course, he's an obedient little ducky, sticking with his owner like what she told him so, also what's he gonna do here along all these smart ass bunch of students, roll over?

"When's the competition starting?" he asked, sitting down while playing some sort of games inside his phone as Y/n started tying her hair up, making sure nothing mess on her face before sighing down and stared at him. "I'm getting bored," he shrugged, slouching down his seat even more.

The feeling that what he's saying annoys her but her body couldn't seem to react as her brains tell her it looks adorable was already harming the half of her rigged braincells.

"Why did you even come with me in the first place?" she asked, coldly raising a brow.

"That wasn't intentional," he defended, looking up from his phone screen as he pointed a finger at her. "You owe me this time," he smiled cheekily.

Y/n's face only dropped into (-_-) before rolling her eyes before crossing her arms.

"I'm thirsty," he suddenly said, cutely pursing his lips onto a thin line as he look up, showing his puppy eyes to her. She was gonna cringe, but then here goes the 'cute card' delivering right infront of her brain's doorstep.

Cursing low, Y/n sigh down before opening her bag and took something from the snack she had brought. She then place one of the banana milk she brought infront of him, even putting the straws in before kicking his leg.

Pausing his games, Wonjin immediately put down his phone upon seeing the banana milk, grabbing before taking a sip as he look up only to see her staring at him with unexplainable eyes. He wasn't even sure if it was mad, annoyed, frustrated or affectionate.

They were mixed. Yet they were mixed in a good way.

"Stay here, don't leave until I get back" she said, setting reminders as Wonjin choked.

"Wha- No! What am I supposed to do inside this room full of bags and chairs?! Play?!" he immediately asked, shouting as he brought his posture to stood up, aggressively infront of her. She didn't flinch a bit and only stared at him, sternly.

There was a moment of silence for a second. Their voices were only one's occupying the whole space since everyone had left already.

"Sit down," she ordered, he scoffed in response with the hint of disbelief yet it didn't seem to trigger the girl's anger as she continues to stare at him with crossed arms.

"What do you think of me?" he asked, glaring as he put his hand on top of the table between them, leaning ahead while keeping the stares deep. "Your dog or something?" he added, patiently waiting for answers.

"Sit down. Or I'll make you." she spoke, calmly yet sternly digging right through his soul as her words bring fourth death towards his thoughts. Wonjin immediately flopped down with a grumpy-pouty face, crossing his arms once again as she scoffed a smile.

She mentally praised herself for surviving without giving Wonjin a bruise as she stepped closer to him. Her actions made him blank for a second before feeling someone's hand patting his head from above.

Looking up, he saw it was her. Then there goes his heart beat, undeniably rapid as he stares for a while before looking down, flustered.

"Aish! Stop that, you're making me look like a puppy" he muttered, sighing in frustration, trying to hide his cheeks as he look towards the other side.

"Puppy's are cute," she commented, smiling.

"Yah! Don't you dare have a crush on Hyeongjun! I'm warning you!" he shouted, almost immediately when the word 'puppy' left her mouth as he thought about one of his friends after turning around to face her.

"I didn't say anything about that," she shrugged, parting off her hand from his head and was about to leave as she turns around when he suddenly gripped her wrist.

"What?" she asked, not even turning around.

Until she felt his hand grabbing the other side of her waist, making her turn around to face him before putting her hand above his head.

"What are you doing?" she asked, confused.

"Do that again," he requested, not even looking up as his voice turned more serious.

Hearing the sudden change of his voice, Y/n forgot about the argument they had seconds ago before gently ruffling his hair. She didn't got any response nor words from him, he just held both sides the hem of her blazers.

It wasn't even just a matter of seconds before he heared small sobs from the guy, his fist clenching against the fabric of her cloth as he look down a bit more. Soon those sobs had turn into silent cries.

"Are you okay?" she asked, getting no answers at all. "Ham Wonjin." she called, yet stopped when all of a sudden, the guy grabbed her closer, arms around her waist as he buried his face against her stomach.

A loud sigh escaped her, literally not even having the single hint why was he even acting like this when they were bickering about something useless minutes ago? She was literal dazed yet can't seem to be unhurt upon what's happening.

Sometimes she wonders what he feels.

From time he was that annoying ass, crappy brat who likes to butt and mess up with someone's business, but sometimes, he's this cute little softie who would just grab you randomly before asking for affection.

Tired of thinking and sorting stuffs, Y/n jusy decided to finally give the comfort he needs, patting his back as he caressed his hair, softly.

"Y/n! You have to go, it's starting!" the teacher suddenly yells, entering the room as he stopped and gasp seeing the situation. "AHHHHHHCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!" he screamed.

Startling the two, Wonjin had finally let go of the hug, cheeks still staining with tears before awkwardly looking up to face her.

"I'll be back later," she said before turning around and walk outside of the door. A smile coming out from her lips as soon as the hug enters her mind, making her look like a fool.

"What's that? What were you twoㅡ" her teacher stopped on talking as soon as he was dragged out of the room by her, Y/n.

On the other side, sitting down as he tried recalling what just happened, Wonjin could only smile foolishly before biting his fist, literally just fanboying against the scene.

"You're krazy~" he said to himself before lightly hitting his head, still smiling like an idiot before burying his face on his palm, mentally screaming.

"Argh! Ham Wonjin stop it!" he again scolded himself while giving himself a slap.

"That girl! Isn't putting your whole existence inside her fingers, raw!" he told himself. "Idiot," and here comes another slap.

A/N: okay, I just decided that probably I'll be concentrating on this book for now, I just unpublish two more of my on-going books, but I promise to publish them after writing this. Also, I'm planning to edit some of my books after rereading them and so too many typos and stuffs like that, I'll probably start tonight. Huhu, sorry y'all. But I hope you like this update, thank you ✨

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