~Ep 2~

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Sakura was dreading what they were going to do in order to get the information they wanted. She was starting to realize that she just might not make it out of this mission alive. There wasn't going to be a back-up squad coming to aide her. Team Kakashi wasn't coming until after she had let them know it was a success. She was physically exhausted and she was out numbered. Sakura wasn't sure what she could do to get out of this.

"I don't think you're the type to tell us what we want to know even if we slice you to ribbons," Akihiko said as he began to unzip his vest, crooked smile on crossing his tanned face. "Maybe we'll use other methods, ne?"

The young woman felt as if she had been drenched by a bucket of ice water. Beryl eyes darting frantically around her, she saw the other five men chuckling and beginning to undress themselves as well.

Oh no...

It was clear just what those methods were going to be as a hand moved up her back and a man on her side with bright red hair licked her neck. Sakura felt completely disgusted, but deep within her, terrified as well. These six men all were going to take her at once and the realization hit her like a punch in the gut. Her heart was racing a mile a minute, a cold sweat breaking out on her skin. Sakura tried to scoot away from their hands, but moved right into another man who was sitting behind her; the one who had put his hand on her back.

Akihiko smiled at her antics as he shrugged off his vest and twirled a kunai between his fingers. "Are you sure you don't want to tell us who sent you? This is your last chance before we have our fun with you." When the stubborn female didn't respond, his amethyst eyes glowed with amusement. "I was hoping you would say that."

Sakura saw him look at something behind her and suddenly all six men were near her, their hands groping every part of her body. The prisoner twisted and turned, trying her hardest to get away from them to no avail.

"Get off me you bastards!"

They only laughed and continued their unwanted assault. Not willing to give up, the Leaf kunoichi landed a sharp kick on the side of one of her captor's head, knocking him out cold. Next thing she knew, her cheek was stinging painfully.

"That wasn't very nice of you," Akihiko whispered softly as his hand gently massaged her stomach. "I'll have to punish you for that."

"No stop!" Sakura screamed as she continued to fight the men advancing on her.
Her cries fell on deaf ears as they proceeded to touch her like no man had ever touched her before, greedily roaming over every inch of her inexperienced skin. The terrified woman tried her hardest not to cry when Akihiko rolled down her black leggings. So this was going to happen and there was nothing she could do about it. Sakura was going to be raped by multiple men until she either confessed who sent her or died.

Light blue orbs took in the sight before him. It was disgusting. This made him hate the humans all the more. They would hurt their own kind and from the looks of it, the males were enjoying the torture they were putting the female through. Females were usually deemed fragile or weak compared to males in this realm and the fact that they would take advantage of someone that you already had an advantage over was pathetic. Gaara clenched his fists angrily. He would enjoy killing these fools.

Akihiko untied his pants, crooked smile crossing his features once more. "Hold her down and open for me boys."

His men chuckled wickedly as they did what their boss commanded of them. Sakura couldn't stop the tears that had been threatening to fall and they glittered her cheeks while she watched in horror. This man was really about to have his way with her and there was nothing she could do to stop him. She fought with all her might, letting out exhausted gasps as she thrashed about trying to free herself. She caught a swift fist to her left cheek, snapping her head in the opposite direction and causing blood to trickle from her lip.

"What, this big bad kunoichi can't be afraid of a little intercourse can she?" the male hold her right thigh teased. "It's not like you haven't used your body to get what you want before."

"I've never had sex with anyone to get what I want!" Sakura shouted at them, still attempting to break free.

"Wait a second...boys, I think we have a virgin on our hands," Akihiko mused, leaning forward so he was nose to nose with his victim. "Isn't that true, my little princess?"

Sakura glared at him before spitting in his face. He only chuckled and told her how misbehaved she was. The shinobi began pulling off her clothes, not noticing the sand that was whirling closer on the ground. Not until it began inching its way up their bodies. Sakura's eyes widened with surprise.

"What the fuck!" Akihiko exclaimed as he pulled himself away from Sakura, the sand traveling farther up his body.

"What is this boss!" one of his lackeys exclaimed as the sand began to cover his right arm.

"I don't fucking know!" he yelled back.

"All of you disgust me."

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