~Ep 4 ~

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The next morning, Sakura woke with a start, sweat pouring down her body. She sat up, pink hair lurching from her shoulders. Her chest heaved as her breaths came in shallow gasps. The dream she had just experienced had been the most vivid and bloody she had ever seen. Sakura could still feel the heat of fire growing in intensity until it was painful. She could see the body parts strewn around the area, blood coating the ground and flowing like a river. Sakura had seen massacre before yet that dream made her want to vomit. As the images of the nightmare faded, Sakura got to her feet on shaky legs and swallowed. Some breakfast and a nice dip in the river nearby would help her forget about that dream. The young woman placed a Transformation Jutsu, a disguise different from the one she had used to infiltrate the Sound. At least she could confirm that Hideki worked for Orochimaru, but has for where the snake ninja was, they were still no closer to finding out.

Sakura fingered the wavy royal blue hair framing her face before reaching out her chakra to check the area for any other ninjas. When she detected nothing, the kunoichi grabbed her pack and exited her cave. The air was humid, but much cooler due to the lack of light. The sun was just peaking over the horizon, still shadowed by the thick foliage. An orange hue was making its way across the forest floor. Birds were awake and chirping their morning songs. Sakura could hear insects as she made her way through the brush. The distant call of animals echoed around her. It was clear why it was called the Sound Village.

Soon, the sound of water reached her ears and Sakura scanned her environment once again for anyone who could be out to kill her. There was a tiny chakra she noticed, but she bet it was a small animal. Sakura sat cross-legged, placed a hand on her thigh, and pulsated chakra into the injury from yesterday. She healed some, but didn't have enough energy to restore her leg. Exhaustion crept over her and the medic Nin remembered she needed food and water. It would give her the strength necessary to heal her back wound. As if on cue, her stomach grumbled. Sakura reached into her pack and pulled out a bag of blueberries and some wrapped smoked fish she grabbed during her infiltration. Sakura popped a blueberry in her mouth and relished the juices flowing over her tongue.

As she continued to eat the delicious fruit, the female's mind wandered to that crimson haired guy claiming to be a One. It was true, his skills were incredible, but he could just be a strong ninja. What was his name again? Gaarr, Gandalf? No, that wasn't it. Sakura racked her brain trying to remember his name, but it had slipped her memory. No doubt he would find her again. A sour expression crossed Sakura's face. What lunatic confronts a stranger and claims they are their protector? Not only that, she was not an incompetent ninja. The Team Seven member was beyond her teenage weakness that hindered her teammates. Ever since then, she trained hard and had become one of the strongest kunoichi save her predecessor Lady Tsunade. Sure, she had gotten herself into a bind, but that was her own fault for being too forward with her questioning. Lesson learned.

Sakura unwrapped her fish and took a bite. The meat was cold and chewy from sitting overnight, but the smoky flavor was undeniable. While she chewed, Sakura decided that this guy was a nut job and a dangerous one at that. She didn't miss the murderous look gleaming in his eyes as he ripped apart those ninjas. There was also hatred burning in those teal orbs. He might hold to his "I have to protect you" nonsense and wouldn't hurt her, but optimism in the ninja world got you killed. After breakfast, Sakura shed her clothes and stepped into the gentle current. The water made goosebumps rise on her skin, but it was comforting. She cleaned up and got dressed again. Sakura needed to home and brief the Hokage, but the ninja tensed when she identified chakra nearby. The bushes moved and her hand went to the kunai strapped to her hip. A bunny jumped out and Sakura sighed with relief.

"You had me on edge for a second there, little guy."

The small animal hopped towards her, one long ear cocked towards her voice. Its tiny pink nose twitched as it checked her out. After a few moments, Sakura's eyebrows furrowed. A white rabbit in the middle of the forest during this time of year? White rabbits were only in this area during the winter. Something didn't smell right and Sakura jumped back and pulled out a kunai.

"Alright, show yourself!" she shouted.

"Superb, my dear child."

The bunny changed and there stood Hideki Takahashi smiling at her. Sakura's heart beat faster. He brushed his wavy ebony hair over his shoulder and gave her a seductive look. Grey orbs glanced over her and the woman felt as if her skin was crawling.

"This new disguise is more... exotic," he said in his sultry voice. "Why don't you show me what you really look like, hmm?"

"Why don't you tell me where Orochimaru is," Sakura countered, moving into her fight stance.

A deep chuckle emitted from her pursuer's mouth. "I'm sure you know Orochimaru changes hideouts every few weeks to avoid people finding him. We do business that's it."

That was a true statement. Orochimaru wouldn't tell anyone other than those traveling with him of his location. That meant her entire mission had been a bust unless this man was lying. It wouldn't hurt to bring him into custody and have the best interrogator Ibiki try his hand at gaining information.

"I'm not so sure you're being honest so you're coming with me!"

Sakura threw the kunai, and it surprised her when it deflected and returned at her full speed. She dodged it with ease, but what the hell just happened?

"How do you like my ninjutsu?" Hideki questioned, a smile still wide across his slender face. "I may not be a ninja, but I still have tricks up my sleeve. It reflects anything thrown at me back at the person who threw it."

"Well, we'll just have to do this hand to hand," Sakura responded as she launched herself at her opponent. A well-aimed punch collided with the invisible shield and she got thrown back across the wide river. Sakura felt the wind knocked out of her when she slammed into a tree. Searing pain coursed from the injury in her back and Sakura got to her knees, trying to regain her breath.

"You seem like a smart girl," the criminal mocked, "but I suppose not. Did you think physical attacks would not also deflect?"

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