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Sakura decided it was time to take a much needed small vacation. Life had been kicking her ever since the man with red hair showed up. Although they were on better terms, Sakura needed a break. Time to pamper herself before returning to the ruthless shinobi world. After routing it through Tsunade, Sakura wasn't accepting missions Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was now Thursday evening, and she was in her room packing for the weekend. The pinkette made reservations at a spa in a nearby village. She heard from Ino that it was nice and she couldn't wait to get a pedicure and facial. A massage didn't sound half bad either. Her shoulders had been feeling a little stiff, but she had to carry a three hundred pound patient a few days prior. That patient had uncontrolled high cholesterol and diabetes, yet she refused to change her eating habits or exercise.

Sakura cleared her mind as she finished closing her large backpack. She padded to the bathroom and did a quick mental check. Her deodorant, toothbrush, and toothpaste were still sitting on the counter for the next morning. She hoped she wouldn't forget them. The young woman shuffled back to her room and dove underneath the covers, reaching on the side of the bed to grab a book she kept telling herself she would finish.

Sakura looked up. "What is it Gaara?"

The kunoichi had gotten used to him appearing in her apartment. The first time Gaara did, he got various items hurled in his direction. It was astounding how comfortable she was around him now. Sakura noticed she expected his visits and to her confusion, it disappointed her when he didn't drop by. Her looking forward to seeing him was still as confusing as the moment she noticed it.

"I would like company."

Sakura rolled her eyes.

"You're a bold and needy celestial being."

She motioned for him to have a seat on her bed. She sat up and crossed her legs underneath the blanket and gazed into his cyan orbs. It seemed like he grew more attractive every day. No matter how much Sakura tried to push those thoughts away, they kept returning. How could she develop feelings for someone who forced his presence on her? It frustrated her. Gaara sat down and placed his gourd on the floor. He crossed his arms over his chest, a look of deep thought etching his features. Sakura's eyebrows furrowed. He was contemplating something, but what?

"Everything okay?" she questioned, placing her book down next to her.

Gaara's expression remained serious. "Yes, I'm uncertain on a lot of things."

"Anything you want to talk about?"

Gaara shook his head and Sakura decided not to pry. She believed Gaara would either lash out when pressured or withdraw. They had made progress with their "tolerance" of each other. No reason to revert. Ever since that night where he almost lost control, he seemed lost in thought. Sakura wanted to ask him who he was talking about with his outburst and who his best friend was, but she would wait. He would tell her when he was ready.

The One laid back on her bed, linking his fingers behind his head. "So, you're going to the spa tomorrow?"

"Yes," Sakura answered, moving to lean her back against her headboard. "I'm super excited."

Gaara turned his gaze to her. "It is a place of relaxation, correct?"

"Right," Sakura responded with a grin. "Keeps me from going crazy."

"Going crazy may sound bad, but it is a release."

Sakura mulled over his words. Sometimes she went ballistic on whoever upset her, but it solved nothing. Sakura mentioned that to Gaara and he nodded in agreement.

"Still, it makes you feel better," he responded.

Once ten o'clock rolled around, Sakura said her good nights, and the One disappeared in a whirl of sand. The more she talked to Gaara, the more she wanted to learn about him. He was so full of mystery and Sakura hated not knowing. As bad as she wanted to learn more about his past and him as a person, she wondered if his past would change how she saw him. Sakura tried to quiet her mind by turning off the light and closing her eyes.

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