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Sakura smiled and grasped Gaara's hand. They exited and despite such a hard goodbye, contentment washed over her with Tsunade supporting her decision. Next was Ino. She decided on dinner then Sakura would explain everything. She hadn't paid attention to her closest friend with the stress of defeating Obito hanging over their heads. Sakura released Gaara's hand and traveled to the flower shop. At first, Sakura ambled down the familiar path as she tried to burn the images into her brain. Then she bolted to the familiar store. Sakura burst through the door and her best friend glanced up from the ground. She kneeled by a potted plant, gray gardening gloves covering her hands. The blonde paused, watering can in hand.

"What's wrong with you?!" she exclaimed while standing up.

Sakura smiled at her friend's abrasive response to her entrance. "Why don't you come over for dinner tonight?"

"Sure thing." Ino studied Sakura. "Something is wrong. No sassy retort?"

Sakura sighed and gave her friend a knowing smile. "Get me something to drink."

"You've got it!"

Sakura bought enough groceries for a small feast. Gaara would eat with them, too. She had such a heavy feeling in her heart. This was harder than she realized. She didn't think it would be easy, but the aching in her chest increased with each passing second. The weight being honest with Ino that would lift from her chest helped her relax, but knowing it was the last conversation they may have broken her heart. Delicious aromas filled her home and Sakura's stomach rumbled in response. She'd almost finished dinner. Sakura had made a bunch of different sushi rolls. They were her specialty, and Ino loved her spicy tuna rolls so she ensured her closest friend had one. Sakura was so nervous. How would Ino handle her friend dating someone, a celestial being, and leaving the human realm with him? That sounded ludicrous, even to her.

Gaara placed the rolls on the table. Sakura watched his back, and fondness bubbled up inside her. This man changed her life. Sakura didn't have any doubt of his love for her, a new sensation after her toxic pseudo-romance with Sasuke. Sakura heard the front door open. Normally, she fussed at Ino for not knocking, but Sakura left it unlocked on purpose. The mind jutsu user had a bottle of Junmai Diamino, a sweet sake. Last year, Ino and Sakura got addicted to it. It was so smooth with a hint of fruit. Sakura greeted her friend and took the bottle from her.

"You know me too well," Sakura joked.

"Same to you," Ino retorted when she noticed the spread of sushi rolls. "Spicy tuna there?"


Ino smiled. "Alright, well let's eat!"

The two women sat down at the table to fix their plates. Ino picked up a pair of chopsticks and grabbed a piece of sushi before fixing hers. Sakura moved to pour them glasses of sake. It seemed like their priorities were in the wrong place. They looked at each other and giggled. Ino placed her elbows on the table and gazed at Sakura.

"So, spill it!" she demanded.

Sakura sighed and linked her fingers together underneath the table. "This won't make sense, but I trust you more than anyone." She locked eyes with her best friend. "I'm leaving the village tomorrow morning."

Ino's blonde brows furrowed. "Like going on a mission?" She watched Sakura's expression remain solemn." Well, you're coming back right?"

"Maybe, but rarely."

Ino slammed her chopsticks down. Tears glistened in her eyes. "Where are you going and why?!"

"I know, I'm sorry, Ino. I've been dating someone for quite a while now and he wants me to return with him since he can't stay here."

Ino crossed her arms over her chest. "You've been dating someone and didn't tell me?! Where is this guy?! Why would you think you couldn't trust me with this?!"

"There were many reasons I couldn't disclose our relationship." Sakura glanced in Gaara's direction, knowing he remained invisible to Ino. "He's here. Gaara, show yourself."

The pinkette knew when her friend saw Gaara because she jumped and her eyes widened. "Why didn't I sense him?!"

"Because I am a One," Gaara explained. "Only people with ocular jutsu can sense or see me without me revealing myself."

Ino's face blanched. "A One, like the celestial beings?!"

"Yes," Gaara answered. "I am... I was the One of Rage."

Ino's face went blank. Sakura wasn't sure if she was breathing. Her gaze bounced from Gaara to Sakura before she stood and leaned over Gaara. "So, you were the one who killed hundreds of people like the story says?"

Gaara's cyan eyes remained the same. "I did."

"But he did that because-"

Sakura stopped when Ino held a hand up to silence her. She kept her eyes trained on Gaara, features serious as she grasped him by his shirt. "Have you changed?"

"Because of Sakura and finding out the truth, I have," Gaara responded without pulling from her grasp.

Sakura's heart warmed. She stood and wrapped an arm around Gaara's shoulders. He snaked his arm around her waist in response and pulled him to his side. She relished the warmth of his body and closed her eyes with content. Ino watched them intently. This was too much information. The mythology of the Ones had always been interesting to her, but to discover they existed and Sakura had fallen for the most dangerous of them blew her mind. Still, she needed proof.

"How do I know you're a One?" Ino questioned. "The One of Rage is the only known individual capable of sand jutsu."

Gaara shifted sand from his gourd. It filtered out, slithering to the floor before crawling up Ino's body. She stumbled back, but the sand constricted around her waist and lifted her feet off the floor. She squeaked.

"I'd like to see you in action!" Ino praised. "That's awesome! You have a tailed beast too. Like... Naruto."

Ino connected the dots, eyes widening and hand flying to cover her mouth as Gaara released her.

"Where's Naruto?!"

"He'll leave for the Realm of the Ones, too," Sakura murmured "He's still here for now."

Ino's gaze returned to her friend. She ran to Sakura and embraced her. Sakura hooked her arms underneath Ino's and gripped her shoulders. They held each other close. The pinkette couldn't stop the tears, her body wracked with sobs. Ino gripped her best friend's hair and wept.

Ino pulled back and stroked Sakura's face, laughing through her tears. "Stop crying. You're ugly when you cry."

Sakura chuckled and wiped her eyes. "So are you! Your eyeliner is streaking."

Ino pulled her into a hug again. "I only wish happiness for you. If you've found it with Gaara, go."

Sakura nodded as Ino's soft lips pressed against her cheek. She smiled and returned to their seats for dinner. They filled the rest of the night with laughter and fond memories. Gaara smiled more than she'd ever seen. A knock sounded at the door and Sakura stood to answer it. Naruto gave her a small wave while Sasuke glanced off in the distance with one hand on his katana. She invited them in and offered them the sushi. Sakura made too much.

"You're a One, Naruto?" Ino asked while taking a sip of her sake.

Naruto's expression turned to one of shock. "I-I."

Ino gave a dismissive wave. "Gaara and Sakura told me everything. The Nine Tails should have been the most obvious clue!"

Naruto chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I didn't remember until a few days ago."

With the help of Naruto and Sasuke, they devoured all the sushi. Naruto planned to see Hinata while Sasuke was returning to the Uchiha barracks. Sakura realized Sasuke had no companions once they left. She figured he would leave too because he was an Uchiha; Nine times out of ten, Madara would deny him. Hashirama could persuade him though.

"Are you coming, Sasuke?" Sakura called as he walked through the threshold of her home.

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