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This was meant to be a last resort. He wasn't even supposed to be this close to the outskirts of town, but he needed the herbs desperately. His body was getting weaker and weaker and no amount of Hollyhock and Aloe Vera was helping.

The snow crunched softly under his dulled silver hooves, his steps wavering with his consciousness. His whole body was on the verge of collapse. He'd been dragging himself through the Ironwood for days, resting at night when his fever would let him. A bloody trail of snow and shredded herbs followed his every step.

An apothecary. That's what he needed. A healer with proper knowledge of their herbs. His heart thrummed weakly in his chest. His skin had paled from its natural suntouched warm ivory to resemble fresh parchment. His stomach was empty, unable to keep any food he found in his belly. His ribs showed through his skin and his fur had lost it's velvety, downy softness.

His breath was shredding frost in his lungs while he limped toward the fading sun, where he was told the Western Kingdom of Gallheine sat on peaceful lands. He needed a healer, and quickly. His vision was fading fast and he could barely put one foot in front of the other. His thin cloak whipped in the wind around him, snapping against his skin in stinging lashes.

A root hidden in the snow had him stumbling into the frigid, icy snow. The wound on his abdomen screamed in agony, but he had no voice to cry out with. His body curled in on itself and he let his eyes close and his consciousness fade out.

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