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    Tammin stood in the glittering snow as the sun rose steadily overhead to greet the new day. He wasn't exactly sure what to do now that he was out here. His tail made little swirls in the snow, his being somewhat bored while trying to think.

   His brain jumped from thought to thought while he tried to remember which tree the crow had been perched in. For some reason his brain wouldn't sit still and let him think properly.

    He stepped through the crunching snow towards the growing treeline, his nerves growing with every step. What if the bird left? What if her master had called her back? He tried not to focus to much on the negitive and more on finding his feathered friend. 

   He looked up as a loud crow's cry echoed through the sky. Flying towards him was a crow, black as night. He waved at the bird not realizing how happy he was to actually see the creature.

   The bird dipped, gliding toward him on ghost wind, her feathers ruffled by the updrafts.

    She drifted smoothly towards Tammin, gently outstretching her talons to land on his offered arm. She cooed affectionately at the faun and chirped at his gratifying praise. Tammin ran a finger over her beak and between her eyes, scratching against her feathers tenderly.

   Tammin smiled at the bird and offered her his letter. She peeped and took it gingerly in her beak, tilting her head and chirping gently as if in affimation in his confidence. "You are a brave one, youngling." She seemed to say.

   "I wish I knew their name..maybe then we could meet for real.." Tammin's ears drooped a little and his eyes dropped to the ground in discouragement. Seeing this made the she-crow worry for the young one who had let her perch on his arm.

    The crow extented a wing and brushed it against the boy's cheek. He lifted his eyes a little feeling abashed that he was receiving comfort from a crow.  He gave a little smile and his ears pricked upward. He was hearing something.


   But when he spun around, a big red and white kitsune fox sat a few feet away. Tammin jumped and took a step back. 

    The fox tilted it's narrow head and began to make a whining sound that resembled puppy cries.

   Every instinct in Tammin told him to run and hide.

     But this was a Kitsune Fox.

   The chances of out-running it were already slim, but outsmarting it enough to find a place to hide?

Absolute none.

  Tammin began shaking uncontrollably, now afraid for his life.

  Today was the day he would die.

   His mind screamed at him to run, yell, cry, something before he died.

  And yet..for some inexplicable reason...he felt drawn towards it. Towards the fox. His heart smiled at the fox and his brain screamed. He wanted to run away but at the same time he wanted to inch closer and run his fingers through it's soft fur. He didn't know how he knew it's fur was soft, but somehow he knew.

   The fox stood and took a step forward, its nose twitching as it came creeping closer to the silky tuft of fur at the end of his whip-like tail. He yelped loudly and jumped back. "Eep! Hey! Don't you know it's rude to sniff at a faun's tail!" He cried, almost in a whiney way.

   Indeed. Fauns considered it incredibly rude for another creature to sniff at their tail, especially with how close it was to their reproductive parts. Most of the horomones lingered around that area and it made many uncomfortable unless it was their mate who was scenting them.

    Tammin scowled at the fox, who looked up at him with big innocent violet eyes.

   "Don't give me that look! You should know better than to sniff at some random creature's tail! You're one of them after all!" Tammin couldn't help but to feel annoyed. This creature was just plain rude! His belly fur or hooves would have been fine, but his tail was sensitive and private! He couldn't stand it! Any other creature might have been polite enough to ask, but this? This was out right disrespectful!

   The fox gave an apologetic look and sat, waiting patiently for Tammin to react in some way. "I don't know what it is you want from me." He stated blankly. His fearful and shy demeanor had vanished in the face of his anger. His magic was reacting forcefully, sparking and zapping in his blood.

    His fingertips prickled with the magic forcing it's way from him. Dots the size of tattoo needles were blooming on the tips of his fingers not causing any pain, for now.

   He sighed heavily and rubbed his temple, smudging crimson against his brow. "Just, don't sniff at a random creature's tail okay? Some of us find it rude abd disrespectful." Tammin tried to calm his heated blood, the magic fading and a sharp stinging erupting at his fingertips.
   He hissed at the pain and sucked on a finger, hoping the stinging would subside eventually. He nearly gagged at the taste of his own half-breed blood, but managed to hold back his retching. He pulled his finger away from his mouth and let his arms droop, suddenly very tired. Blood sprinkled the snow beneath him, and his hands were smeared and dripping with blood.

   Tammin hobbled on his hooves for a moment, hoping the ground would stop spinning. A crow's cry echoed in his ear before he collapsed into a bed of heat. His eyes closed against his will and his consciousness flew from him.

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