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Healers were in and out of Eilihja's room all day. By 8 A.M. Tammin's left arm was wrapped in a layer of gauze that was splotched with red spots. Tammin listened to the healers talking quietly. apparently, only one of them had ever seen blood magic and knew little about it. His arm, he found, wouldn't stop bleeding, but the flow wouldn't ebb or get heavier, so the spots of crimson that spotted his bandages would never grow nor shrink. He found himself exhausted by the constant back and forth of the healers in the room and really just wanted to nap before breakfast. His head began throbbing from the constant chatter in the room. He groaned and Eilihja was at his side in an instant. "What's wrong love?" His hands trailed up Tammin's bandaged arm and up to his cheek.

Tammin chuckled and looked to Eilihja with tired teal eyes. "My head hurts. Are they almost done?" Eilihja looked up to the healers in the room, and the oldest gave a quick nod. Eilihja turned back to Tammin. "Do you want anything for your head before they leave?" He asked. Tammin shook his head. "No, I'm okay, but can we have breakfast soon? I'm hungry."

Eilihja laughed and turned to one of the healers. "Emma, do you know if the clothes I asked for are ready yet?"

The healer nodded again and left quickly.

Eilihja nodded content and turned back to Tammin. "When Emma comes back with your clothes, we can go to breakfast and go shopping okay?"

Tammin smiled and pulled Eilihja into the bed with him. "Okay, but you're staying here until then."


Tammin starred at his reflection in washroom mirror in total bewilderment. This was the first time he had seen himself since his transformation, and he didn't even recognize himself. He had seen himself when he was younger, in photos with his mother, but he had hardly ever believed it was him in the pictures. His dark, navy blue hair was fluffy, but still long enough that he could tie it back if he wanted to, His tan skin had paled ever so slightly, and his once bright teal eyes had turned a shade darker, closer now to green than the teal they were before. his ears no longer resembled that of a deer, but rather a kitsune fox, longer than wide, with tufts at the top. The insides of his ears were navy like his hair but gold streaked through the dark fur, looking both like hair and real gold. The backside of his ears started navy like his hair, but darkened into black at the tips..

He was shorter now, maybe 5;5 or 5;6, and he felt stronger than he used to be. Maybe it was his magic, but he could definitely feel strength coursing in his veins.

Eilihja had a set of temporary clothes made for him, and he found himself loving the simple, fabric. The shirt was simple green cotton that was woven so finely that it was soft, and his plain black trousers were loose around the waist and hung just low enough around his waist that his tail had plenty of movability.

Tammin starred a minute longer and then left the bathing room. Eilihja was waiting patiently at the foot of the bed, dressed in a dark purple shirt that matched his eyes and dark grey pants that made his hair look like flames against his fair skin and dark eyes. his ears fell just a little seeing Tammin in a color that matched his eyes.

Eilihja offered a hand, which Tammin gladly took, and was led out into the halls. The air cooled a bit and Tammin shuddered at the difference in temperature. Tammin's ears laid back in displeasure but he forced them up quickly, determined not to be unhappy right now.

"Where are we going?"

Eilihja hummed. "Well, that depends. Where do you want to go first? Breakfast or shopping?"

Tammin's stomach growled and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "F-Food please, before my stomach eats itself." He said sheepishly. Eilihja chuckled while leading him down the hall. "What do you want to eat? We have bakeries, pubs, taverns. There's a really good breakfast tavern with the best coffee and cocoa wheats..."

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