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   Eilihja smiled and began speaking quietly. "Yes, Emma, Maria, I did call. He's awoken and his fever has spiked. He also complained that his head hurt and his eyes are milky and he acts as though he cannot see properly."

   He almost opened the door but quickly stopped. "Please, be as quick as you can. He's afraid and I don't want him to panic." He then turned to one of the gaurds outside of his room. "Could one of you run and ask Chef Kaile for some sweets? Nothing tough or hard please. Chocolate or caramel is fine." The gaurd who'd looked to him nodded and walked off towards the kitchens.

   He turned back to the pair of healers. "Come on in." He opened the door and went straight to Tammin's side.

   Tammin's eyes widened and he yelped at the two unknown, unseeable figures in the room. He hid under the blankets and began whimpering, crying for Eilihja to make them leave. Eilihja's ears laid back in despair. He peeked under the blanket and began cooing and coaxing to Tammin gently.

   "Tammin please, they're only here to help. Please, come out from under the blanket. Once you let them work they can leave. Plus I have sweets on the way from the kitchen, but you won't get any if you keep hiding."

   Tammin whimpered more and shook his head. "I'm too scared! Please just make them leave.." He begged.

   Eilihja took Tammin's cheek in his hand. "Tammin please, I want to see your beautiful teal eyes again. I'll be here the whole time." Tammin sniffled. "Y-You promise?"

   Eilihja nodded. "I promise. On my life, I'll stay right here."

   Tammin came out from under the covers and tried to stop crying.

   "Please, work quickly and leave." Eilihja said to the healers.

   The eldest of the pair, Emma, stepped forward first. "Hello Tammin, I'm Emma, it's a pleasure to meet you. Can I see your hands please?"

  Tammin showed her his hands facing palms up. "H-Here..."

   Emma tapped gently on his palm to show him she was there. "I'm going to check your fingertips to see if they've healed well, okay? I promise I'm not going to hurt you."

   And as she said, she didn't hurt him. She took of the bandages, unnoticed by Tammin, and gently swabbed each finger with a soothing ointment.

   "He needs to leave off bandages so the pinpoints can heal properly. Now, Maria, bring me a rag and some oils please." Tammin whimpered and waited patiently for what Emma would do next.

   Tammin heard shuffling and then quiet speach before he was adressed again. "Tammin? Hi, I'm Maria. I'm going to clean up your eyes so you can see okay? It won't hurt but the salve is chilly so be prepared okay?"

    Tammin nodded hesitantly and waited.

  Maria put a hand on his cheek to let him know she was there and pressed a cool, oil-damp rag over his eyes. Tammin found the darkness cool and comfortable, though he still wanted his sight back. He waited patiently and thought of Eilihja kneeling beside him. What was he thinking right now? Was he thinking of Tammin like he was thinking of Eilihja? Was he getting upset that someone else was touching him?

    He wanted to shake his head in denial. He felt Eilihja wouldn't do that unless the person or creature had ill intent. Then again, he barely knew Eilihja, so he couldn't say for sure.

   When the rag was pulled away, Tammin had to blink a few times to adjust his eyes to the low light in the room. His keep eyes, know clear and bright took in the whole room, from the candles and low fire in the hearth, to the many drawings hung on the walls.

    The smell of vanilla and nutmeg curled around the room and it was pleasantly toasty even under the blanket.

   Tammin's eyes wandered and widened at yhe elegant simplicity of Eilihja's room. Slowly he made his way to the bedside, where Eilihja watched with gentle violet eyes. For the first time, Tammin noticed Eilihja's fluffy white ears that matched his snowy hair. Tammin lifted his fingers to graze Eilihja's ears. Eilihja leabed into his touch, a purring sound rumbling up from his throat.

   The two healers in the room smiled and giggled, quickly gathering their things and leaving.

   Tammin smiled and brought his hand down to Eilihja's cheek. With expert gentleness, Eilihja placed his hand over Tammin's, shifting his face to press a kiss into his palm.

    "I'm glad you're okay.." He purred, his sharp eyes only softening when he looked at Tammin.

   Tammin smiled brightly. "Me too! Now we can go see the gardens and talk some more!"

   Eilihja chuckled and nodded. "Yes, Tammin, know we can go see the gardens."

   "Not quite yet, I'm afraid."

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