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    Tammin starred at the fuzzy bunch of colors that was Eilihja.

  "You're my mate?"

   Tammin saw the fuzzy motion of Eilihja smiling, and it made his heart smile.

  "Yes Tammin, I'm your mate."

   Tammin tried to smile through his tears but yelped realizing both he and Eilihja were shirtless.

   "What's wrong?" Eilihja jumped at Tammin's yelp and immediately went into protection mode. "Are you hurting? What's the matter?"

   Tammin almost laughed at Eilihja. Almost.

   "Uhm, M-My shirt. C-Can I have it back please?"

    Eilihja's eyes widened and his face flushed ever so slightly. "Oh! Of course!" Eilihja stood and walked across the room to the wardrobe he hardly ever used. "Uhm..do you have a favorite color?"

  Despite his weak body, Tammin was able to sit upright in the bed. "Why do you ask?" He was going to answer regardless, but he wanted to talk to Eilihja more if he could.

   "Just curious. Or are you going to make me guess?" Even though he was joking, Eilihja watched Tammin's ears droop a little.

    Now a little afraid, Tammin began to stutter. "U-Uhm..I'm sorry! I-I don't know how t-to behave around r-royalty. I don't know what is disrespectful. Uhm..." Tammin had always stayed away from the kingdoms and any high-ranking people so he didn't know how to react or behave or what to say.

   "Hey, I was just joking. You don't have to worry about that royalty crap. Call me Eilihja, I'll call you Tammin, and we can start from the beginning. Like right now. I want to get to know you, and I want you to know me. We were put together for a reason."


Tammin wouldn't lie to himself. That word scared him a little. But the fact that Eilihja had been the one to say it made him feel better.

   "Uhm...okay. Well, to answer your question, my favorite color is deep violet." His face flushed when he remembered that Eilihja's eyes were violet. "Wh-What about you? What is your favorite color?"

   Eilihja had a shirt by now, the thin but warm fabric dyed a deep purple. "Hmm, I don't have one. But yesterday, in the snow, the way your eyes glittered in the sunlight, it was like watching green flames dancing under crystal blue water until they blended. It was gorgeous." He came back to the bed and set the shirt in Tammin's lap. "When the healers are done here, would you like to go for a walk? I could show you the gardens if you like."

    Tammin's ears perked at once. "I'd love to see the gardens! What kind of flowers are there? Can you tell me about it until the healers get here?" Tammin asked eagerly, slipping in to his new shirt.

   Eilihja smiled seeing his newfound mate happy. Even though they had only met a few days ago, he could feel the strength of their bond. "Of course I can."

    Eilihja began describing the vast gardens that held the flowers and herbs that the castle needed. There were also vegetable gardens that held most of the food for the castle. "There are Daisies, and bellbottoms in blues and pinks. The Jerusalem Sage grows from the bottoms of the walls, and they have these flowers that are so soft, and they come in every color. Those are my favorites. The roses change color every season too, and the pixies love making flower crowns out of the dandelions and the fountain grasses." 

  Tammin smiled excitedly. "The pixies come here?" His eyes, though milky, brightened and glittered with happiness. Eilihja felt Tammin's excitement through their bond and smiled back even though Tammin couldn't see so. "The pixies love our gardens for some reason. They're always peeking about and playing hide and seek." 

   Tammin wanted to jump up out of the bed and run until he found the gardens. His heart thundered and he was becoming impatient. When would the healers get here? 

  Almost as if they had been summoned a gentle knock echoed in the room. The comfort of Eilihja's presence left and Tammin felt his anxiety of people creep back into his bones. "Eilihja, please don't let them in!" He whimpered, hoping he would listen. 

  Eilihja turned back to Tammin just inches from the doorknob. His ears flicked and confusion clouded his head. "Why not?" 

  Tammin looked down and fussed with his tail which was curled protectively around himself and laid in his lap. "I-I'm afraid...I d-don't like new people..." He whimpered, not looking up to meet the fuzzy colors of his mate. He felt embarrassment and shame fill his stomach and it made him queasy. "I don't feel well." He whispered. He held his stomach and shied away from the door. 

  Eilihja turned and looked at his mate. The fear in his milky teal eyes made Eilihja's heart drop. He found himself moving to kneel beside the bed on Tammin's side. "Hey..."

Tammin didn't move or look up. 

"Hey, Tammin, look at me." Eilihja tucked his finger under Tammin's chin and guided his gaze gently toward him. 

Tammin's cheeks were wet with tears and his eyes were full of fear. 

"I'm not letting anything happen to you. They are just healers. No demons and no spooks, okay? I'll be right here the whole time." 

Tammin whimpered and his ears dropped low as he shook his head.

   Eilihja smiled and wiped away a tear with his thumb. "I promise nothing bad is going to happen. I won't let it okay? Please just let me open the door, and I'll ask them to be quick alright?"

   Tammin finally gave a weak nod. "Thank you. I'll ask for some sweets too, to make you feel better."

   Tammin's ears immediately stood and he gave an small eager smile. "Okay!"

  Eilihja got up and rushed to the door, hoping the healers hadn't left yet.

   He cracked open the door and smiled at the two healers standing patiently behind the door.

   "Prince Raijah." They bowed deeply and came back up. "You called for us?"

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