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    "Enough of this nonsense, Tammin! You will learn to control you magic, whether you like it or not!"

   "No! I won't do it! You can't make me! I'm not hurting myself for your stupid greedy desires!"

   Tammin watched his younger self, confused and afraid of what was happening. The creature in front of his younger self stamped its hoof in rage.

  "You incolent CHILD! You have no idea how many would kill for your gift!"

   The younger Tammin had his hands clutched to his bare chest, crying in agony and pain.


   The younger Tammin was screaming now at the figure whose face was shrouded in a black cloud, his voice now quiet but far from weak or gentle.

   "You know nothing of the world boy. Do not expect a warm welcome from me when you are helpless and alone."

   All at once, the vision in front of his eyes began whirling in a dizzying way. His head spun and he found himself feeling sick as he bolted upward and began gagging at the taste of blood in his mouth. His blood.

    As soin as his body was up, it was falling again, back into the sweltering heat of a cushioned bed and a large quilt. He was panting hard and his body was covered in sweat. His shirt had been stripped away, but whoever had put him here had left his pants on, which he was greatful for.

   His whole body was shuddering and shaking despite the heat of the bed. He felt sick and queasy. His stomach turned and flipped with unease and fear and his eyes were full of tears ready to spill down his flushed pink cheeks.

   Tammin panted hard, finding it ridiculously hard to catch his breath. He wanted to move but his body was to weak.

    Tammin barely heard when a door opened and someone entered. Voices began clanging in his ears, making them ring like someone was blowing a whistle straight in his ears. He began crying weakly, the ruckus making his head throb and ache painfully. His voice was barely a whisper as he began begging for the illegible words to cease. "Stop! Stop, please!" He cried.

   As soon as ge spoke the voices stopped and he was given a moment of peace. But only a moment.

   This time when the voices began again, he could make out what they were saying.

   "Elihja, I am telling you, they will not be happy about this!"

   A responding growl resonated in the room, making Tammin's heart pound harder. His eyes were barely open and his vision was blurry and fuzzy to the point that he could only make out fuzzy blurs of red, orange, tan, white, and black.

   He began begging again. "Please, no more noise! My head hurts too much..." His voice was a raw whimper.

    "Shut your trap Rejul! Can't you see he's in pain from all your shouting and hollaring?!"


   Tammin wished his eyes would clear so he could see who the voice belonged to. It was familiar as could be, but he couldn't place it for his life. "Wait..." He whispered. "I know that voice. Who are you? Why do you sound so familiar?" The matress sunk beneath a body as someone sat next to him on the bed.

   "Shh, it's okay love. I'll answer your questions soon, but you aren't well. That magic flare made you weak."

    Love? Who was this? His brain was frazzled to the max with what was going on. "At least tell me your name? So I can know what to call you.."

   The figure beside him brushed gentle fingers over his brow, feeling for a temperature. "Rejul, get a healer quick! His fever spiked and his eyes are milky!" Footsteps rushed out of the room, leaving the two alone.

   "Why do you sound familiar? That person, Rejul, he called you Elihjah but..." Tammin began, but his voice soon gave out, completely dehydrated.

   "We- or rather I do know you. Well...I met you, in a way. You were hurt at the time, but our eyes met and you smiled at me."

   Tammin's memory was blank, and he found it hard to recall anything at the moment. "Were you...ugh...my head. My memories are fuzzy..One of the gaurds maybe? When the Prince..uh, Raijah! Prince Raijah came to visit Bella! Were you...were you one of the gaurds?"

   The familiar voice chuckled and something soft brushed Tammin's cheek. "No, but you're very very close." His voice purred.

   Tammin laughed and hummed. "Give me a hint." He asked.

    "Mm, 'R'." He replied.

   "'R'? That's not much of a hint..." Tammin's ears  drooped when the realization hit.

   "'R'... Raijah..no..." Tears spilled down his cheeks. "You..You're Raijah..?" Fear clasped his heart in a cage. He jerked so violently Elihja thought he had begun to have a seizure.

   "You...I..Am I going to die here? Are the King and Queen going to execute me for being a half-breed?" Tammin began to cry and shake violently. He wasn't ready to die. He wanted to live! He wanted to rebuild his home somewhere new and go out on days long trips to collect herbs and food. He wanted to see the shy little pixies and little folk and make flower crowns with the nice nymphs.

   "Hey, hey hey..you're not gonna die, no one is executing you ever. I don't care if you're a half-breed or a faun or a witch or what. You're my mate, and I won't let anyone take you before I get to know you."

   Tammin stopped his whimpering and looked at the fuzzy colors that was Elihja Raijah.

   "Wait, you're my mate?"



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