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   Tammin jumped so hard he hurt his back. His ears laid flat and he yelped and hid his face under the blanket.

   Eilihja's arms immediately encompassed him and Tammin felt himself being pressed into Eilihja's chest. He wrapped his arms around Eilihja's neck and buried his face against his throat, finding comfort in Eilihja's arms.

   "Dad, I wasn't expecting you to visit."

   Apparently Eilihja's father, King Raijah had stopped by aftering seeing a gaurd bringing sweets to his son's room. A short talk revealed that Eilihja had a guest.

   "I see you have a guest over. May I ask whom he is?"

   Tammin felt Eilihja take a deep breath and speak.

   "Dad, this is my mate. Dad, meet Tammin. Tammin, can you say hi to my dad please?"

   With tears in his eyes Tammin looked to the king and whimpered a quiet little hi.

   The king nodded and motioned for Eilihja to join him in the hall.

   Eilihja whispered reassurence to Tammin, promising he would be back shortly. Tamming  whimpered but let go of his mate. He curled up in the blankets and sat, clearly waiting patiently for Eilihja's return.

   Once Eilihja and the king were in the hallway and the gaurds had been dismissed, the king spoke.

  "No one is going to be happy about this, Eilihja."

   Eilihja didn't speak but his shoulders and ears drooped and his bright eyes took on a very tired dullness. He sighed heavily and looked to his closed bedroom door, almost as if he were seeing through it to his mate.

   "I don't care who approves of what anymore. They can be unhappy. So long as I have him, I need little else." He smiled and that tired look vanished.

  "I said no one son. That will include you in a moment."

  A confused look crossed Eilihja's face before he realized what his father had implied. "You can't ask him to do that now. He is recovering still and he is afraid of everyone. And given how the Kingdoms treat his kind I don't blame him."

   The king shook his head. "With how you described his magic to the healers, now is the best time. He needs to learn control so he doesn't hurt himself and others in a blind rage. He cannot learn that control in his secondary form."

    Of course, Eilihja knew that already having more than one form himself. But could he really ask Tammin to do that now? Or let someone else coax it from him with magic? He shook his head. "If anyone is going to tell him it will be me. And if someone must guide it from him with magic, it will be no one but me."

   His father nodded. "You truly care for this boy don't you?"

   Eilihja's cheeks flushed, but he held his groundand nodded. "I am learning to, with every passing hour."

   The king nodded again. "Good. I can already tell he is a good one, do not let him leave your side."

   Eilihja nodded, hoping no day would come when Tammin might leave him.

   "Now," The king said bringing his hands together in a silent clap. "I would like to meet him properly, and on much better terms."

    Eilihja laughed thinking his father was demanding something of him. "Perhaps, we will have to see how he is feeling."

   Eilihja opened the door to find Tammin on his feet, wobbling slightly but looking proud nonetheless. He looked up when he heard the door open and fell back on his bum.

   Eilihja rushed to his side and made sure he was okay.

   "I'm fine." He squeaked. "I was trying to walk by myself so no one  wouldn't have to help me around. I didn't look funny did I?" Tammin asked anxiously.

   Eilihja laughed and pressed a kiss to Tammin's forehead. "Not at all love, you looked fine. Can you try again now? There's someone here who would like to meet you."

   "M-Me?! B-But why me?" Tammin nearly panicked at the thought of meeting another new person.

   Eilihja took Tammin's cheek in his hand. "If you feel like you can't handle more people today, then we can rest and try again tommorow."

   Tammin thought for a moment and then spoke. "Can this be the last person for today? I'm starting to get tired..."

   Eilihja smiled and took Tammin's hand. "Of course. After this we can rest okay?" Tammin nodded and did his best to stand, somewhat leaning on Eilihja for support.

    Tammin expected a person, or people, but the King was not on that list of expectations.

    Tammin nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw the ruler of Gallheine standing in front of him. He made a startled peep and hid as best he could behind Eilihja which hardly worked given his 6:9 height versus Eilihja's 5:11. "You didn't tell me it would be the King!" He whisper-yelled to Eilihja.

    Eilihja only chuckled and whispered back. "Don't worry, He's not like the other rulers."

   Tammin wished he could easily believe him but he and the kingdoms had never gotten along.

   The king smiled brightly at Tammin and waved. "Hey there kiddo! I'm King Raijah, but please just call me Raijah. Pleasure to meet you."

   Tammin dipped his head and came out from behind Eilihja. "It's n-nice to meet you sir. My name is Tammin. I-I'm not really sure what to say. Th-Thank you for the hospitality though."

   The king smiled a little wider. "Of course! I'd have no one in my kingdom ill-treated. We prefer a gentler way to the other kingdom's flare." He laughed at bit at the end and shook his head as if imagining the other kingdom courts.

   "Anyways, I heard you say you were tired so I'll leave you two to rest. Don't be afraid to ask for anything okay? See you around Tammin!"

   With that the king left, leaving Tammin and Eilihja alone. Tammin began to giggle lightly. "He's sort of odd." He laughed. Eilihja laughed with him. "He's almost always like that. I'm just glad he approves."

   Eilihja took Tammin's hand and led him to the bed. "Talk with me for a moment..?"

   Tammin nodded, perplexed by Eilihja's sudden somberness, and sat facing his mate.

   Eilihja sat across from him and though hard for a moment before he spoke.

    "Tammin, my father wants you to switch forms and learn control of your magic."

   Tammin took a minute to register what he had beem told. "Control...?"

   Tammin inhaled sharply and began shaking violently. His eyes watered and fear crept into his mind and his heart. "I-I...um- I..."

   Eilihja saw the panic in Tammin's eyes and took his cheeks gently in his hands. "Hey, hey, hey, calm down. Not tonight, not tomorrow, not now. Breathe, love breathe."

   Tears fell from Tammin's eyes and he tried to follow Eilihja's instructions. "Eilihja, I-I can't ch-change forms. I t-tried.."

   Eilihja pulled Tammin into a hug and began rubbing his back. "Shh. I know, I know. But listen. I want you to try, just one more time, with me. I'd be there every step of the way, and healers would be there so your magic doesn't erupt."

    Tammin hugged Eilihja tight and refused to let go. "I d-don't want to..." He whimpered, scared of what may happen.

   "I know, but you need to. It's for your own good, Tay." Eilihja pulled away and wiped away Tammin's tears.

   "N-Not tonight, right?" Tammin asked.

   Eilihja nodded and got up to put out the candles, comeing back shory to curl up with Tammin under big fuzzy blankets.

   As Tammin began to fall asleep, Eilihja pressed his lips gingerly to Tammin's and whispered, "Not tonight." His quiet promise to his mate.

    Eilihja wrapped his arms around Tammin a fell asleep.

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