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Tammin sat at the kitchen table and watched as the Apothecary Fae, who's name he'd learned was Bella, carefully mixed several leaves together to create a small bit of salve for his still healing side. Bella was standing behind the bar counter that seperated the rest of the room from her storeroom where she kept her many salves and medical concoctions for sale.

It turns out Bella was a fairly talented and popular apothecary for the kingdom of Gallheine. The king and queen had just celebrated their third son, who got sick easily in the harsh winters of Aishiér. Many of the witches and magic-holders had been unsuccessful in easing his winter ailments, and Bella was asked to try, for lack of options.

Deep in his thoughts, Tammin hardly noticed when Bella came to him with clothes and a tin of salve. "My brother left some of his clothes on his last visit to Gallheine. I only hope they fit properly." Bella set the clothes down and went to work with her salve. "I'll leave after I've put a fresh layer of bandages on your side."

Bella carefully removed the patch of bandages that stuck to his side with a bit of tied cloth. Tammin shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He'd never been this close to another creature of Aishiér, nor had he let one close to him. His ears drooped a little and he tried not to shiver at the contact. Now with his wound exposed, he felt the need to run away. His heart thundered with fear. He knew Bella wasn't daft. He knew she could smell his heritage in his blood. Smell that he was a half-breed.

He only waited, to afraid to assume but hating that she never brought attention to it. There was no avoiding it. That conversation. Whether he could stay or not, if he was in danger, either from her or from the kingdom. Whether or not he was putting her in danger.

Tammin hissed as cold ointment was pressed into his side. Bella blinked, the only sympathy she'd give as she spread the ointment over his scarring ribs. A large portion of his burn had closed and scarred over thanks to Bella's magic, but she only wanted part of his wound to come into contact with magic, especially if his was hardly responding to it.

Magic, something to love and to fear. It could heal and...

What was that?!

Tammin's ears sat staight up, listening. He jumped up quick and dashed to hide behind the counter, his heart thumdering in his chest like a centaur's hooves. He heard Bella call after him but didn't listen. Someone was here.

Bella heard it seconds after Tammin disappeared behind the counter. Footsteps. A few sets of them. Bella hurried to open the door before her guests could knock.

Curiousity hit Tammin like a heavy stone, knudging him to peek over the counter at the three figures standing in the doorway.

"Prince Raijah! Is everything alright? Has something happened to Callum?" Bella's voice went from surprise to her healer's voice, worrying about her patients.

The figure Tammin assumed was prince Raijah, shook his head and waved a hand as if shooing away a fly, his slim, fluffy ears flicking to and fro. "Callum is just fine Bella, quit worrying. He hasn't had an episode yet this year."

Tammin's ears flicked up and he tilted his head curiously as only an animal would do. His ears picked up the little sounds most people would miss, like the little creaks the floorboards made under the boots of who Tammin could only guess were royal guards, who shifted uncomfortably beside the prince. Tammin let out a tiny squeak and ducked back under the counter as one of the men raked an eye around the room.

Tammin flinched as his growing antlers clinked against a glass jar.

"What was that?" Raijah spun toward the counter where Tammin huddled, now afraid of discovery rather than curious.

Bella nearly sprinted to his side. "Tammin you dolt! You shouldn't have bolted like that." Tammin's ears drooped at the scolding though it was gentle, he still felt the shame. Bella helped him to his hooves, though he was much taller than her 5:6 frame.

Tammin limped to the table, self-conscious of the eyes on him even through the pain of his now-open side. He whimpered in pain and embaressment as he hadn't gotten a chance to clothe himself before he'd jumped behind the counter.

Bella shushed him and rushed to get a tin of ointment, leaving Tammin alone with Prince Raijah and his gaurds. He flinched at Raijah's gaze and looked away, incredibly flustered and afraid at the same time. Half-breed and royalty in the same room could never end well.

Raijah jerked his head toward Tammin's side, where blood seeped in droplets through his partially open fingers. Tammin whimpered again, but managed to look up into Raijah's sharp violet eyes, focused on Tammin with rapt attention. His slim ears perked forward, his full attention on Tammin, while his tail flicked back and forth.

Tammin tried to smile but ended up flinching instead, the pain in his side worsening. "W-Witch.." He mumbled trying not to meet Raijah's gaze. "Sh-She wanted m-my fur..."

Just as Raijah began to speak, Bella came back into the room with a jar of ointment and a roll of gauze. "Hey! Quit interogating my patient Raijah! Tammin, hun, move your hand.."

As soon as Tammin's hand moved, a cool rag was pressed into his side. He hissed through his teeth, the cold water stinging his skin. Bella gently wiped away the blood, and applied a layer of salve. "Raijah, you'll have to come back later, I can't entertain you and take care of him."

Raijah looked to Tammin, almost as if he were waiting for him to say something, and his ears laid back when he realized Tammin was gritting his teeth in pain. Tammin's look of pain sent his head spinning and his heart pounding. Tammin peeked open an eye to see a seething Raijah with royal purple eyes pinned in him.

The feeling that zapped through him was so Earth-shattering he thought his heart had stopped all together.

No, it couldn't be...


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